Shooks Run Trail

The Shooks Run Trail is about 4 miles in length. It runs north/south along Shooks Run Creek, from Lilac  Street and Rock Island Trail in the north all the way to Fountain Blvd and South Shooks Run Park. It’s an easy ride or walk on paved paths, trending slightly downhill toward the south. There are benches and picnic tables along the route for resting. This trail encounters several street crossings.  


Connections: Shooks Run Trail connects directly into the Rock Island Trail. Sidewalks provide many neighborhood connections and access points. With some street/sidewalk use, it is possible connect to the Pikes Peak Greenway. In the South, the trail ends after passing through the historic rail underpass (built in 1887) and arriving at Concrete Coyote, which owned by Concrete Couch. TOSC’s office at the Sustain-a-Center is right off Shooks Run Trail, across from Pikes Peak Urban Garden. 


Future Plans: Shooks Run Trail is a part of the Legacy Loop project, work is underway to improve the connection to the Rock Island Trail and future plans call for the southern end of the trail to eventually connect to the Pikes Peak Greenway, completing General Palmer’s vision for a beautiful greenway circling his city, which will now be a featured amenity of downtown Colorado Springs.


Interesting Local History: Find out more about Noah’s Bed, Fannie May Duncan, Sol’s Dairy and more wonderful stories about the Shooks Run Neighborhood on the Middle Shooks Run Neighborhood Association website.


This trail is managed by City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services: (719) 385-5940.  For more info visit

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