Location: 6411 N Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 8091
Hours: 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Amenities: Located in the center of the City of Colorado Springs, Austin Bluffs Open Space consists of approximately 600 acres of integrated properties linked by a large network of trails, parks and open spaces, including Pulpit Rock Park, University Park Open Space, Austin Bluffs Open Space and additional smaller open space ‘fingers’ in adjacent neighborhoods.
This Open Space has about 10 miles of designated trails that highlight the geologic formations that consist of magnificent rock outcroppings, bluffs, mesas and valleys that support native vegetation communities and wildlife species. Wildlife common to the area include: mule deer, coyote, red fox, ground squirrel, cottontail rabbit, red-tailed hawk, northern flicker, black-capped chickadee, mountain bluebird, steller’s jay, various woodpeckers, grassland songbirds, garter snake, rattlesnake and several species of lizards.
NOTE: Wayfinding is difficult due to limited signage and prolific non-designated paths created by park users. A number of closures and reroutes are planed to take place in 2022. Be mindful of rattlesnakes and keep your dog on leash.
History: Pulpit Rock is approximately 66 million years old. It is made of sandstone and mudstone that dates back to the rise of the Rocky Mountains. Learn more about the unique geology of Pulpit Rock and the surrounding area here. This area is known to be ancestral land of the Cheyenne, Ute and Lipan Apache.
This Open Space is managed by City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services: (719) 385-5940. For more info visit coloradosprings.gov/parks.