The Trails and Open Space Coalition works with individuals, business, and foundations to improve health equity for all citizens, by: advocating for additional parks and open spaces in developing areas where residents currently have no access; connecting neighborhoods through trail completion and activation; assisting neighbors in advocating for restoration of neglected neighborhood parks; and educating the public about the need to take care of our public spaces—what the needs are, how parks are funded, and what must be done in order to get adequate funding for them.

In December of 2016, the Trails and Open Space Coalition received a Great Outdoors Colorado Connect Initiative Trail Planning Grant for the Ring the Peak Trail Project. The $100,000 planning grant allowed TOSC and partners (Friends of the Peak and City of Colorado Springs Parks) to hire a consultant to assist TOSC in developing a Ring the Peak Trail Master Plan for completing the roughly 8-mile “missing link” on the southwest side of Pikes Peak. TOSC continues to work with land owners, land managers, community leaders, residents and trail users. Although the process to complete the Ring has stalled, TOSC continues to push for completion and has and will continue to fund improvements to the existing RTP segments. Check out
TOSC's Trail Ambassador Program aims to provide support to popular parks and open spaces by providing visitors with trail information, promote friendly user etiquette, and monitor trail conditions.
Our lands and waterways need some helping hands! Trash and debris on the land eventually end up in our waterways. This rubbish clogs drainage systems, impacts wildlife, affects water quality and ruins the view of our beautiful natural landscapes.
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