The Trails and Open Space Coalition is proud to be a member of Community Shares, Colorado’s Community Giving Fund. Joining a Workplace Giving campaign through Community Shares allows you to contribute to fully vetted, 501c3 organizations who are doing great work in your community. Giving through a payroll deduction program is painless and easy, and you can be sure that the money you donate is being used effectively for programs you care about.
“Workplace Giving campaigns provide an opportunity for employees and company leadership to work together on an annual drive to inspire charitable community investment. ” From the Community Shares website.

Giving campaigns are fun and team building, uniting the company’s employees around a common goal. Inviting employees to give through paycheck contributions is a benefit that increases a company’s positive impact on the community while respecting individual employees’ desire to express themselves by choosing their favorite charitable recipients.
Interested in learning more? Call the TOSC office at 719-633-6884. We can answer some of your questions, refer you to the great folks at Community Shares for more details, or you can attend a Lunch and Learn at the Community Shares office. Call for details.