The Trails and Open Space Coalition is a 501c3 nonprofit created in 1987. We are committed to preserving open spaces and parks, as well as creating a network of trails, bikeways, and greenways for the Pikes Peak Region. We have a small staff and are governed by a board of directors. As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, the Trails and Open Space Coalition (TOSC) receives NO government funds of any kind. Most of our support comes from individual contributions and people who care about our parks and trails. A smaller part of our revenue comes from grants and fundraising events.

Our Work Behind the Scenes
Our team works cooperatively with local and regional governments, community organizations, businesses, families, and individuals who share the vision of an interconnected network of trails, greenways, and open space. We advocate, educate, build connections with other groups, fund projects, and create and support volunteer projects. TOSC acts as the voice behind these initiatives and the fight for conservation.
- We identify open space, trails, and parks priorities in concert with citizens and partners. Together we develop strategies to implement the goal.
- We foster a positive political climate in which decisions to fund trails, parks, and open spaces are approved and supported.
- We assist local governments in the implementation of their trails, parks, and open spaces master plans.
- We build, encourage, and coordinate grass-roots support for trails, parks and open spaces.
- We develop public/private partnerships to benefit trails, parks and open spaces.
- We promote intermodal, non-motorized use of trails and open spaces.
- We promote accessibility to all citizens.
- We inform the public, government, and businesses about recreation and transportation opportunities, the economic benefits, tourism opportunities, health and physical fitness, and educational opportunities of trails, parks, and open spaces.
- We inform the public about the appropriate and safe use of trails.
- We provide information about trail and open space opportunities in the Pikes Peak Region.
- We host events, guided hikes, and outings.
Secure Project Funding
- We help raise public and private funds to support trails, open spaces, and parks.
- We support local jurisdictions in their requests for funds.
Support Volunteer Programs
- We encourage, coordinate, and support trails and open spaces volunteerism, community participation, and membership.
- We manage Open Space Volunteers Program and link volunteers to local Friends Groups Volunteer Work Days.
We are sometimes confused with TOPS (Colorado Springs Trails, Open Space and Parks), which is the part of the Colorado Springs City government that administers the TOPS tax spending. The TOPS ordinance allocates sales tax funding for trails, open spaces, and parks. Each year, the TOPS sales tax generates about $6M in revenue. The Trails and Open Space Coalition was instrumental in the 1997 passage of TOPS.