Damaged Trees
The big snowstorm this past weekend was great for easing wildfire danger but left a huge impact on the trees in the Pikes Peak region. In Monument Valley Park, old trees along the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail were broken off at the trunk from the weight of the snow. From North Cheyenne Cañon Park to Blodgett Open Space, tree branches of all sizes were snapped off after succumbing to the weight of over a foot of snow. Recovery from storms like this take time and patience. The City of Colorado Springs has dedicated crews working on removing branches, starting in high priority areas. It will take months for the cleanup to be completed due to the widespread damage.
- If a fallen tree or debris is touching a power line, do not touch the tree or the power line. Report the tree to your utility company. Visit csu.org for more info about Colorado Springs Utilities.
- To report a down tree in the street or public right of way, use GoCOS! coloradosprings.gov/page/citizen-request-gocosprings-app, or GoCOS! app on a mobile device or call 719-385-ROAD.
- For trees in parks, on trails, medians or other city property, report it using GoCOS!
- The city cannot remove trees or debris on private property. A list of tree/debris removal companies can be found at ColoradoSprings.Gov/SpringStorm.
Santa Fe Trail Closure
The Santa Fe Trail will be temporarily closed on Wednesday, May 25th from 10am to 2:30pm from the Tri-Intersection Bridge to Parade Loop. This closure is put into place while the Thunderbirds are performing during the US Air Force Academy Graduation.
Thomas Trail Closure
The Thomas Trail in Green Mountain Falls will be closed Mondays-Thursdays from May 30 to August 11th for fire mitigation work. The Catamount and Crystal Trails will remain open.
Mountain Lion Awareness
Over the past month, there have been a couple of mountain lion sightings in Colorado Springs. The first was in North Cheyenne Cañon Park near the Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center and the second was a recent sighting near Memorial Hospital-North (less than a half mile away from John Venezia Park). In Colorado, there are between 3,000 and 7,000 mountain lions and encounters remain rare. Do you know what to do if you encounter a mountain lion?
Check out Colorado Parks and Wildlife safety tips.
Know Before You Go
A flurry of recent rescues at Eleven Mile and Spinney Mountain State Parks have prompted Park Rangers to warn anglers and paddle sport visitors of adverse conditions at the park. Visitors who are coming to the parks need to be prepared for very cold water temperatures, high winds and altitude. Both parks are unsuitable for users who are beginners at paddle sports of any kind. Since the end of April, a dozen visitors have needed rescue out of the water with most being hypothermic. Eleven Mile and Spinney Mountain State Parks are just over an hour drive west of Colorado Springs and are two of the most popular fishing destinations in the state.
El Paso County Master Plan
TOSC attended the El Paso County Master Plan update open house last Thursday evening to talk to the planners, staff, and other attendees about the vision set forth in the current plan and what updates should be incorporated as we move forward. View the El Paso County Draft Parks Master Plan.
Please submit your thoughts and comments via email, teresaj@greenplayllc.com, before the June 1st deadline.
Sustain-a-Center Garden
Work Days!!
TOSC, Concrete Couch, CONO, Kids on Bikes and Mid Shooks Run Community Garden are all housed at the City of Colorado Springs’ Sustain-a-Center. We are teaming up to transform the landscape and creating a rain garden. HUGE Thank You to City Parks for delivering 8 boulders from North Cheyenne Cañon for this community project! We are looking for a few volunteers to help out with upcoming work days:
Thur. 5/26 10:00 – 2:00pm – moving rocks & digging
Mon. 5/30 8:00 – 11:00am – last minute prep for plants
Thur. 6/2 9:00 – 1:00pm – PLANTING DAY!!
If you are interested in supporting this cool demonstration garden, please contact Sharie@trailsandopenspaces.org.
Scoop the Poop
Sat. June 11, 9:00 – 12:00PM
Scoop the Poop Challenge, sponsored by Animal ER Care, will be the second Saturday in June! Thank you to everyone that nominated a cleanup area, we will be announcing locations soon. For now, please save the date: Sat. June 11th!
Starlight Spectacular in Garden of the Gods
Saturday, August 13
8:30pm Walk/Run; 10:30pm Bike Ride
The Starlight Spectacular is back! Early Bird Registration for the Starlight Spectacular is open. Click HERE and enter the code “EarlyBird” to receive a $5 Early Bird Discount!
Learn about the new format and route starlightspectacular.org
Bike Month Kickoff
Thur. June 2, 4:00 – 7:00 PM
June is Bike Month in Colorado and the planning team, led by our Senior Bike Planner Kate Brady, has been hard at work developing a list of great activities that will be taking place all month long! Starting with the Bike Month Kickoff, hosted by our partners Bike Colorado Springs at FH Beerworks, which is conveniently located along the Rock Island Trail.
TOSC staff member Allen Beauchamp will be pedaling out to the event, and stopping by STIR along the Shooks Run Trail at 4:00pm for a pre-ride coffee. If you would like to join him, he plans to depart ~4:30pm for a pleasant 6.2 mile spin using the Shooks Run and Rock Island Trails, and he will highlight the upcoming Legacy Loop connectivity improvements along the way.
Check out the Bike Month Kickoff Facebook Event
Wildflower Photography Workshop
Sat. June 11, 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Join photographer and outdoorsman Bob Falcone “Hiking Bob” for a fantastic wildflower photography workshop at Bear Creek Nature Center. Discover the basics of capturing good wildflower photos and how to avoid common mistakes during an indoor class. Then, practice your newly learned skills and techniques during with an outdoor session.
Prepaid registration required $25 per person/$20 per Nature Center member
Sustainability Advisory Board
In February 2022, the City of Colorado Springs City Council passed an ordinance to establish the City’s first Sustainability Advisory Board. Seven residents will be advising City Council on the effects local government policies, programs, and operations pertaining to sustainability and corresponding impacts on the community, including but not limited to air quality, recycling and food policy.
Interested applicants must be residents of Colorado Springs with knowledge and/or expertise in the follow areas: agriculture and food access, natural environment, built environment, energy, materials management, transportation, economic development, health and education. Members will be attending meetings for two hours every other month or as needed during regular business hours.
Click here for the Sustainability Advisory Board application
Coleman Community Park Meeting
RESCHEDULED Thur. June 16, 5:30 – 7:30pm
Coleman Community Park is a 70-acre mostly undeveloped community park site expected to be comparable to Memorial or John Venezia community parks, with sports fields and a playground. Come see the exciting designs for this park and share your ideas! This is the first in a series of at least three planned community forums that will help inform the park’s master plan. The project involves three vision areas: creating an active sports hub, integrating Sand Creek and nature, and fun community park amenities.