Closure at Blodgett

City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services staff have made the decision to temporarily close the Blodgett Open Space South Parking Lot. The staff is working on installing gates similar to those in Garden of the Gods Park, Palmer Park and North Cheyenne Canon Park, to decrease after-hours criminal activity. The Blodgett OS North Parking Lot will remain open. There has been an uptick in smash-and-grab car break-ins around Blodgett Open Space. Remember to protect your valuables before you leave for the park and if you see anything suspicious, report it to the Colorado Springs Police Department at 719-444-7000.

Midland Corridor Study
Wed. April 6, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
The project team will host a public meeting on the Midland Corridor Transportation Study to identify transportation issues and infrastructure improvements needed to carry out the vision of business owners and residents. You can attend in person at the City Administration Building on 30 S. Nevada Avenue, Room 102 or virtually via teams.
Please register for the event, or get more info

Thur. April 7th
Plan to check it out and learn more about El Paso County’s newest 60-acre open space near Palmer Lake on our website.
Originally called Elephant Rock Open Space, the name was changed because the actual “Elephant Rock” is on private property and is east of this property. Santa Fe Open Space can be accessed from the Santa Fe Regional Trail and is located ½ mile from Palmer Lake. Roughly 2 miles of non-motorized trail wind through the property affording excellent views of the Front Range and Palmer Lake. Thanks to county voters who supported 1A in 2017! Without you Santa Fe Open Space might not have been secured.

Panorama Park Stakeholders Meeting
Fri. April 8, 5:30 – 7:00 PM
The meetings are being held at the newly reconstructed Carmel Community School (1740 Pepperwood Drive) in the large auditorium, and there is also an option to attend via Zoom if you would like to take part virtually. The focus of the meeting this month is on “safety” and the facilitated community conversation will allow residents to weigh in with their thoughts and ideas of how to create a safe and welcoming neighborhood park for Southeast Colorado Springs. Everyone is encouraged to attend and participate in this very important conversation. Please share this meeting info with your friends and we look forward to the discussion on Friday evening.

It’s April and Time to Celebrate TOPS!
25 years ago, city voters gave themselves a wonderful gift. They voted to support a .1% sales tax that would become the TOPS program and support the purchase of some of our favorite open spaces, trails and parks. One penny on every ten dollars spent in the city led to the preservation of Red Rock, Stratton, Cheyenne Mtn State Park, Venezia park, Midland Trail, Cottonwood Creek Trail and so much more.
Beginning in April we’ll celebrate the success of TOPS by hearing from some of the program’s biggest fans. The city hopes to hear from many of you knowing you have a story about playing in your favorite park, riding on our amazing trail network or relaxing in a fabulous open space.
Just provide a short answer to the question: “why are you thankful for our trails, open spaces and parks and why these spaces are meaningful to you?” And please include a photo of you enjoying your favorite TOPS property. Send it to

Looking for volunteer opportunities and events to celebrate the 52nd Earth Month? Here is a list of different workdays, cleanups and events taking place this month around the Pikes Peak Region.
- April 12, 4:00pm to 5pm: Planting for the Future Webinar. Learn about the importance of trees to human health, how science and technology can accelerate reforestation, and how community-led tree planting is improving urban heat, air quality, and access to nature.
- April 16th, 9am to 3pm: 25th Annual Earth Day Celebration at the Garden of the Gods Visitor Center. Come enjoy some outdoor family fun & environmental education. Plus, free admission to Rock Ledge Ranch for the day!
- April 22nd, 23rd and 24th: The Friends of Peregrine Parks, Friends of Ute Valley Park and Guardians of Palmer Park are hosting a triple header of workdays in their parks. Each workday is sponsored by a different brewery and participants will receive one free drink at the after-work gathering.
- April 30th, 5am to 12pm: Volunteer at Motorless Morning in the Garden of the Gods Park. Contact Paula Krantz, for more information.
- April 30th, 5am to 12pm: The Great American Cleanup. In the Fountain Creek Watershed, there will be over 30 cleanup locations. More Information here.

Thur. April 7, 5:30 – 7:30 PM
As the advocacy organization for trail users, we want to be sure we are hearing from ALL trail users, and that includes our local equestrians. We are inviting all Equestrians to join us for our upcoming Equestrian Advisory Council meeting. This is an opportunity tell us what you are seeing on the trails that we might not know about, share your concerns, and ask us your questions. Also, we will be providing updates on new trails and open spaces that we think you will love to hear about! Join us at the TOSC Conference Room, 704 E. Boulder Street. *Refreshments will be provided*
Please RSVP

Veda Salon & Spa Hosting Month-Long Fundraisers benefiting TOSC
In celebration of Earth Day, Veda Salon & Spa will be hosting fundraisers benefiting TOSC throughout the entire month of April. Visit any one of their three locations in Colorado Springs to participate in a variety of fundraisers, including raffles for exclusive salon services and cool outdoor gear!

Pikes Peak Crew Leader Training
Sat. April 30th & Sun. May 1st
The Pikes Peak Regional Crew Leader Training (PPRCLT) is an intensive weekend-long training for experienced volunteers who are interested in becoming certified Volunteer Crew Leaders. While in the training, participants will learn how to lead safe, successful trail projects and develop basic trail construction and restoration skills. The training is organized in partnership with Trails and Open Space Coalition, Rocky Mountain Field Institute, and Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services.
More Info at or click here to register.

TOCS 2021 Annual Report is Available
Our 2021 Annual Report is available online! We are excited to share with you all of the accomplishments of 2021. A special thanks to Dave Myers for donating his artwork and design services.

Egg Dyeing with Natural Dyes
Sat. April 9, 10:00 – 12:00 PM
Join the Bear Creek Nature Center crew to learn how to use the bounty of nature’s color to dye eggs with plant materials. Dye and design your own take-home eggs and gain the knowledge to continue creating at home. All materials included. $10 per person/$8 per member.

Mueller State Park Volunteer Orientation
Sat. April 9, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Have you thought about volunteering at Mueller State Park? Meet at the Visitor Center for an overview of what opportunities there are at Mueller and what it’s like to be a Colorado Parks and Wildlife Volunteer!
Please RSVP 719-687-2366.

Wed. May 4, 4:00 – 9:00 PM
Join Catamount Institute at Goat Patch Brewery for a fun, foliage-filled, fundraiser! Vegetable, flower, and houseplant starts will be available for sale – first come, first served. Enjoy a pint of the It Takes A Tribe Red Ale, $.25 per beer supports Catamount programs! Raise a glass to nature, outdoor education, and great beer!
ALSO…PLANT BABIES NEEDED! To donate plants, contact Alli, Funds will support Catamount’s scholarship program which allows underserved youth to participate in an amazing, weeklong nature camp.

Question: If on a bicycle, where are you most likely to be hit by a car?
A. On a street where posted speed signs are 40+mph
B. In the heart of downtown where there is more traffic
C. At intersections
According to CDOT statistics from 2017-2019 the answer is “C”. 72.2% of crashes involving bikes and drivers occur at intersections. That’s why Arkansas, Oregon, Oregon, Washington, N. Dakota, Utah and Oklahoma have passed laws allowing bikes to treat stop signs like yield signs and stop lights like stop signs – to improve safety and lower accident rates.
A bill doing the same in Colorado passed the House and Senate and now waits for the Governor’s signature. If passed, riders of bikes, e-bikes and scooters would be required to slow down to 10mph or less at a stop sign. After yielding to traffic and pedestrians they would be legally allowed to cross. At red lights they would be required to come to a full stop, but would be allowed to proceed when safe to do so. State lawmakers passed a bill that the Governor signed in 2018 allowing cities to pass similar safety stop ordinances and several did. This law would make it statewide.
To learn more visit
Powerline Trails Act
HB 22-1104 passed the Colorado House and Senate and only requires the Governor’s signature to become law. The Powerline Trails Act supports public recreational trails in electric transmission corridors and encourages transmission providers to agree to construct and maintain the trails. Electric Co-ops and municipally owned utilities (like CSU) are not included in the legislation.
TOSC will monitor the Powerline Trails Act and when there are opportunities in our region, we will advocate for new trails.