Prospect Lake

“Non-motorized use of the lake is much more accessible to a wider number of citizens, particularly those in the southeast area of the city where the Lake is located.”
“This lake is just too small for motorized use, and I think it goes against being a community park by closing the lake to other uses on specific days for just motorized use. There are plenty of other local lakes/reservoirs that are more suitable for motorized use.”
“I’m more concerned about the algae. I think it is more important to protect water quality than allow motorized usage.”
“I’d support Jet Ski’s, water craft usage but I really feel that full size motorboats are just to large for the very small water surface of Prospect Lake.”
Results of this survey will be made available to the City of Colorado Springs, news outlets and any other organization.

Kane Ranch Open Space is OPEN!!
Kane Ranch Open Space welcomes hikers, cyclists and equestrians starting March 23, 2022. The 440 acre opens space has 3.4 miles of easy trail with great views the Sangre de Cristo and Wet Mountains and of course Pikes Peak. You might even see burrowing owls as you explore El Paso County’s newest Open Space. Park Staff delayed the opening in order to install a gate which will limit access to daytime hours. The large trailhead parking lot is sure to make this a popular spot for equestrians.
Learn more about Kane Ranch Open Space.

A Portion of the Greenway has Reopened!
Opening earlier than anticipated, phase 1 of the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail improvement project is officially complete and reopen for public use. Phase 1 runs from the overpass at I-25 and Rockrimmon Boulevard to Criterium Bicycles. A detour is still in place while work completes on the second and third phases, so please follow detour signage to Corporate Dr. The full project remains on track to be complete in May 2022.

Manitou Incline Summer Hours
The Manitou Incline is now operating on summer hours. The trail is open from 6:00 AM – 6:30 PM to hikers who make a free online reservation. Hikers must show proof of reservation and parking to an onsite attendant before hiking. Reservations are available every 30 minutes and reservation can be made up to one month in advance.
Visit to learn more.

Last December’s hurricane-force winds damaged hundreds of trees in our area. Forestry staff is still dealing with “root plate uplifts” on city managed property. That’s when the tree is uprooted and the root and gaping hole still need to be addressed at a cost of $1000-$2000 per root plate. Dozens remain around the community.
Residents wishing to replace trees might check out North End Woodlands. This is a local organization committed to planting trees in the old North End as a way of preserving General Palmer’s vision. No matter where you live, their website and tree species list can help you choose the right tree for your yard.

Last year many of you took the time to fill out a survey and support the EPC Parks Master Plan update process. We checked with parks staff to learn when a plan will be available for public comment.
The consultant has provided EPC with draft documents to be reviewed by staff. Once mapping and photos are finalized an open house will be scheduled in May for final comment. Park staff has asked the consultant to create an asset management plan to assist with decision-making when considering updating existing infrastructure and park amenities. Last year Colorado Springs Parks commissioned a study to evaluate its parks infrastructure. The study determined it would cost @ $280 million to address the capital needs of the department.

Thur. April 7, 5:30 – 7:30 PM
As the advocacy organization for trail users, we want to be sure we are hearing from ALL trail users, and that includes our local equestrians. We are inviting all Equestrians to join us for our upcoming Equestrian Advisory Council meeting. This is an opportunity tell us what you are seeing on the trails that we might not know about, share your concerns, and ask us your questions. Also, we will be providing updates on new trails and open spaces that we think you will love to hear about! Join us at the TOSC Conference Room, 704 E. Boulder Street. *Refreshments will be provided*
Please RSVP

Pikes Peak Crew Leader Training
Sat. April 30th & Sun. May 1st
The Pikes Peak Regional Crew Leader Training (PPRCLT) is an intensive weekend-long training for experienced volunteers who are interested in becoming certified Volunteer Crew Leaders. While in the training, participants will learn how to lead safe, successful trail projects and develop basic trail construction and restoration skills. The training is organized in partnership with Trails and Open Space Coalition, Rocky Mountain Field Institute, and Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services.
More Info at or click here to register.

Walk. Run. Roll.
Saturday, March 26, 9:00 – 11:30 AM
As a brain cancer survivor and Ambassador for Children’s Hospital Daniel is hosting this Fundraiser which will benefit The Daniel’s Fund and Children’s Hospital Colorado Pediatric Neurosurgery.
The 15 mile Bike Ride departs Legacy Loop Plaza at 9:00 and travels to the Buffalo Lodge Bicycle Resort for waffles and hot chocolate before returning to the Plaza for the post-ride festivities. The 5k Walk/Run starts promptly at 10:00. The Legacy Loop Trail is stroller friendly and suited for all ages.
Visit Facebook Event or register at

N. Cheyenne Cañon Volunteer Training & Potluck
Sat. March 26, 10:00 – 1:00 PM
Learn more about several Cheyenne Cañon Volunteer Programs, meet fellow volunteers and eat delicious food at the Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center. New and returning volunteers are encouraged to attend.
For more information and to RSVP, please email Lead Interpreter,

Sat. April 2, 8:00 – 12:00 PM
Guardians of Palmer Park host a work day the first Saturday of each month! There are usually 3 crews to choose from: trail maintenance, trash cleanup and doggie doo removal. Meet in the parking lot near Maizeland entrance. Pre-registration is required to participate, the city provides a link about a week before the workday.
Contact for more details.

Colorado Springs Bike Swap
Sat. April 2, 10:00 – 2:00 PM
Colorado Springs’ largest bicycling gear swap is back! New and Used Cycling Gear from 100+ Vendors. Entry fee is $2 Donation to Kids on Bikes.
Sellers Booths available! Want to sell your bike, but don’t want to sit at a booth all day? Drop it at bike corral ($10/bike) at 9:45, prospective buyers take a gander and pick it up by 3:30.
Check out Facebook Event.