Ring the Peak Trail Project Update

Our most important progress has been on Segment 1 – Pancake Rocks to SR 67. Working with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), we have agreed upon a reroute of steep eroded portions of the Pancake Rocks Trail. We have also included a scenic overlook in plans. This overlook will provide spectacular vistas of the Oil Creek canyon, magnificent rock formations and a unique view of the back side of Pikes Peak. We are in the final stages of submitting a Non-motorized Trail Grant with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to fund the majority of the work necessary to complete the reroute. Most of the planned work will take place on the lower portion of the trail which follows a fall line (where water falls down the middle of a trail causing severe erosion). Should we be successful in securing the grant, work should begin this coming summer! We have also been designing the trail from Pancake Rocks down to SR 67. We still need to get the USFS approval for this new trail but the review process is underway.
If you want to help, you can show your support for completing the Ring the Peak Trail by purchasing Ring the Peak apparel.

Boulder and Thorndale Parks Update
Neighbors of Boulder and Thorndale Parks have patiently waited for their sports courts to be replaced, one of the promises made during the 2B/Tabor retention campaign. The pandemic and price increases dramatically slowed down the process. Park Staff just announced a company has provided an acceptable bid and work will finally go forward! The courts should be ready for play June 2022.

Stratton Open Space Trail Project
October 2021
City crews will be rebuilding and repairing timber retaining walls along The Ladders trail in Stratton Open Space. The trail will remain open throughout the repair process. Please use caution and watch for work crews. Project will start October 4th and is expected to be complete by the end of October, weather permitting.

October 4th – October 10th
EPC park staff will use the closure to provide forestry maintenance, trail restoration and make drainage improvements. Hazard trees will be removed. Other trees will be pruned to improve the health of the forest and lessen the risk of wildfire. The main loop trail will be graded and resurfaced. Culverts and drainage structures will be cleared of sentiment. Find alternative dog parks: trailsandopenspaces.org/get-outdoors/dog-park
Also, please take a few minutes to fill out the parks master plan survey and help park staff as they chart a course for the next 5 years. epcountyparkplan.com/survey

In September 2020, the City of Colorado Springs purchased 315 acres of land from Castle Concrete, which included the Black Canyon Quarry property identified through the Re-Imagine Waldo Canyon planning process as a potential future trailhead, access, and parking location.
Since the acquisition was finalized, the City has been working diligently with the previous owners and the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DMRS) on the transfer of reclamation responsibility. The City anticipates having this process wrapped up by the end of the year, which will then open the door for reclamation planning in 2022.
Once this has been completed, the City will embark on a master planning effort for the property where the public will be invited to provide feedback to further refine the vision for the space.
The U.S. Forest Service has also been working with the City to move the process along and submitted Waldo Canyon as a priority project in 2023 under the Great American Outdoors Act. If successful, the project would receive funding to support additional planning, analysis, design, and implementation work in 2023 and beyond.

by Eric Swab
There is a trail that parallels the Ute Pass Regional Trail (UPT) between Manitou Springs and Longs Ranch Road. It is not an official trail, it’s a pipe line. For hikers and mountain bikers it has some advantages. There aren’t many ups and downs, and it’s not a road. The pipeline actually resembles a trail, and in my opinion is more attractive than hiking the road. There are some challenges, 9 tunnels and 4 bridges must be circumvented, but social trails have developed making this easy.

Leave No Trace Hot Spot Week
October 14 – 18
Colorado Springs has been chosen as a Hot Spot by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. The city is one of ten Hot Spots selected nationwide to participate in this year’s education program. From Oct. 14-18, a Leave No Trace Team will work with park rangers and local park and recreation advocates to provide the community with information, service work and education that reduces outdoor impacts and promotes responsible recreation. The team will be focused on lessening impacts in Palmer Park and Stratton Open Space.
To view the full schedule of programs and volunteer events, visit ColoradoSprings.gov/HotSpotWeek.
Some programs require online registration.

Former TOSC Board President honored in Manitou Springs
Marcy Morrison was a Mayor, County Commissioner, State Representative, Insurance Commissioner AND EPC Parks Advisory Board Member and TOSC Board Member/President.
This past weekend she was honored for 40+ years of community service during the Beckers Lane Bridge dedication. Congrats to Marcy and thank you for taking TOSC from Good to Great!

Yard Signs Now Available
If you:
- Live in Colorado Springs
- Your house/apt is on a busy street
Please pick up one of our 2C yard signs at the TOSC office. Call us at 719-633-6884 and let us know you’re coming.
Why do we need a TOPS extension and increase? Check out this missing slide in Meadowlark Park. Or crumbling asphalt found on numerous trails throughout the city. Or padlocked tennis courts in Jackson Park. Cost to the average household? $1.17 more per month.
For more information: www.trailsopenspaceparks.com

Sat. Oct 2, 9:00 – 11:00AM
Be a part of Colorado’s largest watershed cleanup, Creek Week! TOSC is teaming up with PPRR to clean up the Pikes Peak Greenway near America the Beautiful Park. Meet in the parking lot across the street from ATB Park. Let’s see how much trash we can collect in just 2 hours! Please wear long pants and closed toe shoes, and bring water. Bring work gloves if you have them; glove, trash bags and other items will be supplied to volunteers.

Back on September 25th, TOSC and Northrop Grumman joined forces for a cleanup along the Pikes Peak Greenway. A small and mighty group pulled out nearly 200 pounds of trash from along the trail and Monument Creek on a beautiful fall morning that included appearances from mule deer bucks in the meadows and brook trout in the creek. Thank you Northrop Grumman for your support of TOSC and our great outdoors!

Member Hike – Pancake Rocks
Saturday, Oct 2 8:00 AM
Don’t miss our next Member Hike! The Fall colors are popping in Cripple Creek. Join us for a moderate 6 mile hike to check out these unique rock formations and learn more about Ring the Peak Trail. If you have questions please contact aaron@trailsandopenspaces.org.
Space is limited.

Fall 2021 Colorado Springs residents will be voting on whether or not to increase Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOPS) tax from one penny to two pennies. If you believe that access to the outdoors is important to your quality of life, please support TOPS! You can help spread the word by wearing Pennies for Parks apparel. Small change for a big gain.

RISE Southeast has created a Walking Group focused on providing safe and accessible opportunities for local residents to get out together as community and enjoy a casual stroll through two of our beautiful local parks. On Friday evenings, they meet at Wildflower Park and Saturday mornings, they meet at the newly renovated Prospect Lake Beach House. Both parks offer smooth, paved concrete walking paths, the distance and duration of the walk can be up to you! Come enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, meet new people, and engage in movement for greater health. Wear comfortable shoes appropriate for casual walking, a water bottle and sun protection as needed. TOSC is looking forward to incorporating these regularly scheduled walking opportunities into our Get Out Get Healthy initiative in partnership with Peak Vista Health Centers.
Friday evenings: 6:00 PM at Wildflower Park – 980 Nolte Drive West
Saturday mornings: 8:00 AM at Memorial Park – 619 Prospect Lake Drive
If you would like more info on the walks, contact: vip@risesoutheast.com
For additional information about RISE and to learn more about future events taking place in Southeast Colorado Springs, go to www.facebook.com/RISESoutheastCOS/

Fri. Oct 1, 4:00 -5:00 PM
This year’s word is RESPECT to continue PPORA’s “Respect in the Outdoors” Campaign. The event is free and open to the public, and will feature brief remarks by project partners. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided, as well as live musical entertainment. Following the dedication, everyone is invited to celebrate the start of Arts Month 2021 by participating in the October First Friday Art Walks from 5-8PM along the Avenue Creative Circuit in Downtown Colorado Springs, Old Colorado City, and Manitou Springs.

Sat. Oct. 2, 9:00 -12:00 PM
Join the Guardians of Palmer Park for a cleanup on Saturday. Volunteers must preregister!
- Group 1 will do trash pickup throughout the park. It will meet at the Maizeland Parking Lot near the storage container next to the Baseball field. To preregister for this group go to: https://cerv.is/m?0132ga4bhB3
- Group 2 will pick up dog waste (and any other trash that may be found) on the Yucca/Mesa trails (the dog off-leash areas). Please check in at the Yucca Area parking lot. To preregister for this group go to: https://cerv.is/m?0132g4NStg2

Sat.October 9, 2021 10:00 – 11:30AM
“Stories in Stone: How General Palmer and the WPA Shaped Monument Valley Park” Guided by Tim Scanlon, Local Historian and Teri Peisner, Friends of Monument Valley Park Board Member. Meet at the W. Fontanero Street parking lot of Monument Valley Park (Intersection of W. Fontanero Street and Culebra Avenue). Reservations Required (limited to 30 individuals), please RSVP at info@fmvp.net
To learn more about the Friends of Monument Valley Park, visit www.fmvp.net.

Sat. Oct 9, 5:00 – 12:00 PM
Motorless Morning is back! Visitors are invited to experience Garden of the Gods in a unique, quiet setting. Park roads will be open to foot traffic, bicycles, and small wheel transport, allowing users to spread out and recreate on roads without cars. The event is free and open to the public! At noon, the park reopens to motor vehicles.
If you want to volunteer for this event, please contact John.Stark@coloradosprings.gov.

Sat. Oct 9, 7:30 AM
Pikes Peak Group of the Colorado Mountain Club (CMC) is coordinating with USFS to reroute the trail around private property. A lot needs to go right to make that happen, but in hopes that it all comes together, please sign up to work on October 9, with October 10 as a finishing day. No experience is needed — tools, training, and leadership will be provided. The work effort is similar to a day of serious gardening; the work site is only 1/2 mile up the trail.
Please signup especially for October 9 at cmc.org/Calendar/EventDetails.aspx?ID=53829 and October 10 at cmc.org/Calendar/EventDetails.aspx?ID=53830
Direct questions to Tom Mowle at tommowle@yahoo.com.