Sinton Trail Closure and Detour

Update 8/13/2021 We are happy to report that the repair effort along Douglas Creek and the Sinton Trail is complete! The asphalt trail that was undercut in the Holland Park neighborhood has been repaired and is now reopen for use. This very popular, high-value urban trail corridor received a ~600 foot asphalt to concrete upgrade. And thanks to our City Stormwater group the new section is well-protected against future flood damage.
Update 6/15/21 Beginning June 28 through mid-August the Sinton Trail will fully close between Holland Park Boulevard and Chestnut Street. This will allow crews to conduct creek maintenance near Chestnut Street to prevent further damage to the creek, trail and protect nearby infrastructure. Trail users will be detoured onto Vondelpark Drive. Thank you for your patience and for avoiding the area as we work to reconstruct the damaged areas. Sinton Trail closure to Chestnut Street is expected to last through mid-August. Please respect the detour, additional fencing will be added to deter trail users from accessing this unsafe section of trail!
Update 5/4/2021 The Sinton Trail has been closed at Holland Park Boulevard with a detour in place taking users along a short stretch of Vondelpark Drive through the Holland Park neighborhood. While inconvenient, this detour was put into place due to the hazard caused by the failure of the north bank of South Douglas Creek with the loss of support underneath the actual asphalt trail surface. 
During the recent Quarterly Trails Team meeting, an update was given on the extensive work that would need to be completed in the creek channel prior to the trail being rebuilt after this very unscheduled failure. The process of getting the required design, permits, and contracts in place should be completed by the end of May and they anticipate work beginning during the first week in June. 
During this repair effort, the asphalt trail surface will be removed along the damaged bank area and extensive work will be performed to the creek bed proper. Once the creek channel has been restored, the next phase of restoring the trail surface will be performed. The potential exists to upgrade this older segment of trail surface to a more modern and sustainable design and we will provide updates on this work as they become available. 
This project is scheduled to take at least one month and the hope is that the trail can be reopened as soon as possible for the remainder of the Summer. It has been noted that trail users up to this point have been disregarding the marked detour and continuing to use this section of trail. We encourage our trail users to please honor the closed section of the trail as the hazard still exists with the ground under the trail surface being saturated and unstable. Once work commences, this existing trail surface will be removed and transit through the area will be impossible with the extensive construction actions taking place. 

Trail Closure Signage


Update 2/4/2021 In January, the City’s Parks Department close a section of the Sinton Trail between Holland Park Blvd and North Chestnut Street. This is a very popular urban trail that provides connectivity to the Garden of the Gods corridor and the park itself. The closure was caused by a major washout of the north embankment of Douglas Creek. Since that time, it was discovered that a significant portion of the creek and embankment will need to be reconstructed in order to provide a more sustainable water channel and ensure the trail surface is not damaged again, once repaired. TOSC and Bike COS are working with the City to better define the detour route, which uses the concrete connection midway between North Chestnut Street and Holland Park Blvd, taking users on Vondelpark Drive. The southern portion of this detour is rough and unpaved, please be careful when transiting through this stretch. This area is circled in green on the provided images. Due to the combined repair of the creek (managed by Stormwater) and then the repair of the Sinton Trail itself (managed by Parks), this detour looks to be in place for several months. We will provide updates as they are made available.

Eroding creek bed next to Trail
Vondelpark Dr Connection
Trail detour at Vondelpark Dr
Please be aware that this detour uses a steep dirt path, please use with caution.

Thanks to Bike Colorado Springs Communications for generating a graphic showing the on-road options to bypass the detour and provide connectivity through the neighborhood!


Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
January 6, 2021 
Effective today, Sinton Trail east of Holland Park Blvd. will have a trail detour due to dangerous trail shoulder condition. Please use caution as wet and icy conditions may be present. Water Resources will be working on a project this year to fix the issue. Please use the detour provided to navigate this section.


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