E-bike Survey Update
Thank you to those who participated in the recent E-bike Survey put out by our partners at the Colorado Springs Parks Department. We have received feedback that this survey generated over 1,600 responses and over 2,300 comments, proving that this is an issue that many of our members and local residents are interested in. We look forward to the next part of the process being communicated in Q1 of 2021 and will keep you all up to date on details when they are released. Until then, enjoy our urban trail network and you can find the current E-bike rules and regulations here: https://coloradosprings.gov/ebike

Paint Mines Interpretive Park
Paint Mines Park is getting some TLC! The parking lot expansion is nearly complete. Trail improvements will soon begin, new signage reminding visitors to stay off the rocks will be added near the formations, and limited fencing and barriers will be put up to discourage short-cuts. All work is scheduled to be completed by February 2021. El Paso County Parks plans to offer guided hikes next year and part-time staff will be hired to provide enforcement during peak visitation.

Rainbow Falls Updates
Rainbow Falls had 40,538 visitors in 2020, according to El Paso County Parks. Staff estimates that 65% of those who visit Rainbow Falls contribute to its upkeep. Visitors donated $20,044 this year! You can join Parks Staff for geology and history walks or the occasional volunteer clean-up next year. Visit communityservices.elpasoco.com to learn more about Rainbow Falls Historic Site.

Sand Creek Trail
Riders were out this past Sunday enjoying the 19-degree day and fresh snow pedaling along the newest portion of the Sand Creek Trail running from the Platte Avenue bridge to Galley Road. Be sure to use our TOSC Get Out Spread Out information to find locations to enjoy a walk, a hike or a ride on the beautiful winter days, we have so many miles of urban trails to explore!

You won’t find ballfields or playgrounds at Jones Park. You will find lovely aspen and conifer forests, meadows and trails. Located west of North Cheyenne Canon, 5 miles from downtown – Jones Park is now managed by El Paso County and part of Bear Creek Watershed, home of the endangered Cutthroat Trout.
A two-year master plan process was completed before the pandemic. The draft plan and a survey can be found here. Please read the material and take the survey by December 23rd.

Something fun about Give is that generosity is rewarded. TOSC has teamed up with 4 other Give! non-profits for some “Tri-Lakes Treats.” Donate to all 5 (minimum $10 per organization) and we’ll send you a passport full of all kinds of goodies, $50+ worth of: beer, moonshine, salsa/chips, free dog wash, free overnight dog lodging….. Plus you’ll be support non-profits committed to making Northern El Paso County a great place to live and play. Hurry, donate at indygive.com by Dec 31st for your Tri-Lakes Treats!

In spring of 2020, TOSC staff embarked on the Get Out Spread Out project to help people find lesser used trails and parks to use during the early months of the pandemic. Since then, over 100 Relive videos of trails across the Pikes Peak region have been produced. As this nationally recognized project has evolved, TOSC staff has needed help gathering and organizing the information that has been created. Recently, a fantastic group of rising young professionals tackled this challenge as a part of their LNow! project for Leadership Pikes Peak. They took all of the Get Out Spread Out videos and information from the TOSC webpage and created a master spreadsheet that has all 100+ videos listed along with critical information about each activity including addresses, list of amenities, difficulty ratings and trail types. They also created a sample page of how this information can be used at a doctor’s office to inspire a person new to the outdoors to get outside. Their hard work on this project will change lives and make our community healthier and stronger.

TOSC selected 20 parks that we think everyone should visit in 2020. Visit all 20 parks in 2020 to earn bragging rights because you are going to experience some really cool places AND an I(heart)Parks sticker. Stop by the Visitor Center when you visit Cheyenne Mountain State Park and mention that you are participating in the TOSC 20|20 Challenge to get a free Pocket Pals Trail Map, courtesy of Friends of Cheyenne Mountain State Park. To add to the fun, we have hidden TOSC rocks in each of the parks! To participate, just, share a picture from each park with us on Facebook or Instagram #tosc2020challenge. Email sharie@trailsandopenspaces.org when you complete the challenge to get your sticker and get entered into the grand prize giveaway! – Osprey hydration packs, TOSC t-shirts & dog bandanas, gift cards…

that also support our community?
Big Red Rock Chocolate Bar from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
Pocket Pals Trail Map for that intrepid hiker in your family
And for that well-behaved pooch…how about a TOSC Dog Membership. The bandana is awesome.
One more gift to consider…. This year there is a new temporary deduction for charitable donations. As part of the CARES Act, taxpayers can deduct up to $300 for cash donations to groups like TOSC. That’s true even if you take the standard deduction and don’t itemize your deductions. Make a donation before the end of the year, and you can get a deduction of up to $300 when you file. Your deduction will lower your adjusted gross income and taxable income.

Thur. Dec 6, 6:00 PM
As part of CONO’s Cares initiative, they’ll be hosting a webinar to introduce viewers to 3 nonprofits in our community that focus on Spaces & Places for our neighbors – Kids on Bikes, Chinook Center and Knob Hill Urban Arts District. – Learn the impact these organizations have on our community and what you can do to help support them. Registration is required, so please sign up!