Parkland Dedication Ordinance (PLDO)
What is it and why should you care? When developers build houses in the city of Colorado Springs, they are required to donate/dedicate a set amount of land for future neighborhood and community parks. For over two years, TOSC has been on a taskforce to consider changes to the PLDO. The group agreed that any changes should maintain our quality of life, be affordable, provide equity and fairness and finally, provide flexibility. Recognizing that PLDO’s purpose is to provide land for future parks and not to build or maintain parks, TOSC is supporting the recommended changes to PLDO. But we ask that Colorado Springs considers the practice of other cities (like Aurora) and requires park development fees in new developments. That would provide dollars to build new parks. Currently there are a dozen parks, promised to new neighborhoods, waiting to be built and no funds are available. The Parks Advisory Board will vote on changes to PLDO at its November meeting. City Council is expected to vote next month. More information on PLDO can be found on the November COS Parks Board agenda.
E-Bikes - Take the Survey



- A neighborhood trail to walk my dog
- A unique open space for my family to explore
- A network of urban trails to ride my bike
- A clean and maintained hiking trail that gives me a challenge
- So, I ask you: What would YOU GIVE for trails, parks and open spaces like ours?
