TABOR Retention Proposal

Boulder and Thorndale Parks have unusable and unsafe tennis courts. The Mayor’s “TABOR retention proposal” would fix that.  $400,000 would be spent to replace four courts.  Two million would be used to improve Acacia and Antlers Parks and Alamo  Square/Pioneer Museum. And 1.2 million would restore two ponds in Monument Valley Park and replace the failing irrigation system. Palmer Park, Cottonwood Creek Park, Leon young Sports Complex and Panorama Park are all on the list of parks targeted for improvement. So are the Homestead, Mesa and Sand Creek Trails along with the Legacy Loop.
A total of 7 million dollars would be available to improve parks and trails in Colorado Springs if the measure passes.  If voters say no, an average of $31 per household will be refunded to residents.
City Council will decide whether or not to take the Mayor’s recommendation and place the Tabor retention initiative on November ballot.  If you think parks and trails are worth the investment, let your Council Member know and encourage them to support the Mayor.
More information on the proposed projects:

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