Trip Line on Rock Island Trail

According to Lt. Howard Black,  the case had been transferred to detectives and has been elevated to a Felony Investigation. The community is urged to be aware on the trails and report potential criminal behaviors by calling 719-444-7000.

Two community leaders—a nationally-known artist and philanthropist, and the Executive Director of a local nonprofit—were injured this past week by a criminal act targeting cyclists. The perpetrator strung a taut line across a bridge on the Rock Island Trail, purposely to trap bicycle wheels. Both victims were flipped off their bikes after striking the trip line; one was hospitalized with a concussion, broken clavicle and cracked ribs, the other was bruised but not seriously injured. Colorado Springs Police Department is investigating this crime and others like it on the trails. We will be monitoring the story and reporting back to the public with updates. We ask everyone to be on the alert and report any illegal activity affecting the safety of our trail users.

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