News January 16, 2019

News January 16, 2019
Waldo Canyon Public Meeting
Wed. Jan 16, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
1628 W Bijou St
Be a part of the first public meeting for Waldo Canyon! The “Re-Imagine Waldo Canyon” project seeks to develop a set of recommendations for Waldo Canyon that balances the vision of the community with protection of the resource. The public is invited to help in considering new opportunities for outdoor recreation, access, safety, and trail connectivity.
Karma Night
Tues. Jan 29, 5:00 – 9:00 pm
1604 S Cascade Ave
Cheers to Bristol Pub for supporting our parks, trails and open spaces! Bristol will be donating $1 per pint sold between 6:00 and 8:00 to the Trails and Open Space Coalition. So come in, buy a pint, and chat with TOSC.
Doing good never tasted better!
Winter Bike to Work Day
Fri. Feb 8, 7:00 – 9:00 am
Join us in celebrating those who ride all year round with Winter Bike to Work Day. Visit Kids on Bikes at the PopCycle Bridge–Beacon St. and Van Buren–or visit Bike Colorado Springs and the Trails and Open Space Coalition at the Sustainacenter: 702 E. Boulder St, to get some breakfast on the way into work.Click here to sign up!
Corral Bluffs AllianceKarma Hour
Tues. Feb 19, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
1604 S Cascade Ave
Join Bristol in supporting our friends at Corral Bluffs Alliance. $1 for every pint sold will be donated to help maintain, preserve and protect Jimmy Camp Creek and Corral Bluffs Open Space. So come in, buy a pint, and support the good work that’s being done in our community.
Volunteer Projects
El Paso County Nature Centers Volunteer Orientation
Sat. Jan 26, 10:00 – 12:00 pm
245 Bear Creek Road
Attend this orientation session to learn more about becoming a volunteer with El Paso County Nature Centers – an engaging and rewarding experience! Applicants must be 18 or older. Link to Volunteer Application.
Contact Paula at 719-520-6387 or for more information.
Shooks Run Trail Clean-up
Thur. Feb 7, 3:30 – 5:00 pm
739 E Pikes Peak Ave
Join PikeRide for the monthly Shooks Run trail clean-up on PikeRide bikes! Please be sure to register so we have enough bikes on hand for everyone. You will be amazed by the things found.
Friends and Partner News
Winter Photography Workshop
Sat. Jan 19, 9:00 – 11:00 am
1805 N 30th St
Join local expert hiker and landscape photographer Bob Falcone “Hiking Bob” at Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Center for a photography class. Bob will share his tips and secrets to taking great outdoor pictures during the winter months.
Wolf Moon Hike
Sat. Jan 19, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Fountain Creek Nature Center
320 Pepper Grass Lane, Fountain
Visit Fountain Creek Nature Center to learn about the phases of the moon from a naturalist. The adventure will start with an indoor discussion, followed by a guided hike on an easy moonlit trail. Be ready to test your nocturnal animal knowledge along the way!
Activity # 304000-49
Total Lunar Eclipse Viewing
Sun. Jan 20, 7:00 – 11:00 pm
Garden of the Gods Visitor Center
1805 N 30th St
Join the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society at the Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Center to learn about lunar eclipses. Experience this unique event which will include the opportunity to have views of the Moon and other celestial objects through binoculars and high powered telescopes. FREE, no reservations required.
2019 City Center Series
Wed. Jan 23, 6:00 pm
Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center
825 N. Cascade Ave
Take part in the City Center Series featuring nationally renowned experts in urbanism, innovation, placemaking and design. The first speaker is Gabe Klein, former Commissioner of the Chicago and Washington, D.C. Departments of Transportation. In this lively multimedia presentation, Klein expands on the themes of his book START-UP CITY: a manifesto on how cities can get meaningful projects done quickly by bridging the public-private divide and bringing start-up energy to the public sector.
CPR, AED, and First Aid Training
Whether your job requires the training, you work with youth or you just want to get certified; these classes at the Bear Creek Nature Center will proved the information you need to assistance with a cardiac or breathing emergency, or basic First Aid. Upon successful completion, participants will receive certification through the American Red Cross. Must be 16 years old or older, and pre-registration is required.
CPR/AED: Jan 23, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
FIRST AID: Jan 30, 5:30 – 9:00 pm
245 Bear Creek Road
PikeRider Party
Fri. Jan 25, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
182 S Union Blvd
Join PikeRide in celebrating its six-month anniversary. Come race PikeRide bikes on the inside loop at Olympic Training Center Velodrome! Also check out the track racing clinic, food trucks, and beverages.
Winter Bird Festival
Sat Jan. 26, 10:00 – 2:00 pm
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center
2120 S Cheyenne Canon Rd
Gather at North Cheyenne Cañon Park for a fun family event honoring our local birds! There will be rock painting, bird walks, making pine cone bird feeders, and hot cocoa.
Night Sky Photography Lecture
Tue. Jan 29, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Bear Creek Nature Center
245 Bear Creek Road
Come to the Bear Creek Nature Center for a presentation on photographing the stars and the Milky Way given by photographer Mike Pach. Discussion will include tips, techniques and recommended camera gear for capturing images of the night sky.
Click here to register Activity #104000-29
Boulder Park Open House
Wed. Feb 6, 6:30 pm
Columbia Elementary School
835 E St Vrain St
Be a part of the of the first public open house to discuss plans to renovate Boulder Park. The Park and Rec department has established a timeline to begin the process of renovating the park; including three public open houses for citizens to give input, which will culminate into a master plan.
For more information please contact
Wed. Feb 13, 6:30 pm
1120 Interquest Pkwy
Visit Regal Interquest Stadium 14 & RPX for a special viewing of sports and fitness documentary The Bikes of Wrath. Five Australians attempt to cycle 2600kms from Oklahoma to California in honor of the westward migration undertaken by ‘The Grapes of Wrath’s’ Joad family. The Bikes of Wrath is a unique, funny and insightful documentary series filled with adventure, literature, music, and human connection.
El Paso County Projects for 2019
The city parks master plan identified 150 miles of trail, but the trails budget doesn’t have enough money to cover all the projects waiting to be finished. Some of the projects that made the cut for the 2019 to do list include: planning for Jones Park and Waldo Canyon; trail improvements to the northern end of the Legacy Loop, and Cottonwood Creek Trail connection. New signage will ensure that users have a better idea of where they are while exploring some of our parks, trails and open spaces.
Due to construction delays, the opening of the Falcon and Fountain dog parks has been pushed back to March 2019.
Falcon Regional Park will have an 8-acre large dog park and a 2-acre small dog park along Eastonville Road. The park will have 3,030 feet of trail with some benches and parking for 40 cars. Preview of Falcon Dog Park on our website.
Fountain Creek Regional Park will also be constructing a dog park. It will be three acres and include a new 1600-foot trail plus a new parking lot for 22 cars.
Do your shopping at and Amazon will donate to Trails and Open Space Coalition!


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