News December 19, 2018

News December 19, 2018
Upcoming Events
TOSC Night at Trails End
Thur. Dec 20, 5:30 – 8:00 pm
3103 W Colorado Ave
Meet us at Trails End Taproom for an evening of holiday cheer and prizes. The Trails and Open Space Coalition will be around to chat about local parks and trails projects and will be giving out fun door prizes for donations! So pour yourself a drink and let’s celebrate our great outdoor community.
The Give! Campaign ends Dec 31, so don’t forget to vote for Trails and Open Space Coalition to win Trails Ends’ Great Outdoors Giving Challenge!
Give! Black Lager
Any time you purchase a Black Lager at Bristol Brewing or Old Chicago, now through December, $3 from each pint sold goes to the Give! charity of your choice. Vote for Trails and Open Space Coalition to help us raise money for local parks and trails.
Grand Opening of Youth Bike Park
The grand opening of the youth bike park at Fountain Park will be held on Wednesday December 19, 3:00 pm. The new three acre park, adjacent to Hillside Community Center, includes a street skills course along with a mountain bike skills and obstacle course to helping youth develop confidence and competence. Several community partners have worked to make the bike park a reality, including: Colorado Springs Health Foundation, El Pomar Foundation, Great Outdoors Colorado and Generation Wild Initiative.
Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) invests a portion of Colorado Lottery proceeds to help preserve and enhance the state’s parks, trails, wildlife, rivers, and open spaces. The City of Colorado Springs and El Paso County Parks have both been awarded grants for restoration projects.
Pinieries Open Space Trails and Restoration Project
El Paso County Parks will receive a Youth Corps Grant for $21,000 for their Pinieries Open Space Trails and Restoration Project. The county will hire the Mile High Youth Corps to work a three week project that will work on trail construction and maintenance, noxious weed removal, and other forest management activities. This grant will focus on a nine acre area of the park and will focus on creating an improved trail corridor, healthier ground cover and reduced soil erosion.
Bear Creek Greenback Cutthroat Trout Restoration Initiative
The City is receiving a $52,725 grant for the Bear Creek Greenback Cutthroat Trout Restoration Initiative. The City will design improvements and restore over three-quarters of a mile of in-stream habitat. This project will protect and enhance the greenback cutthroat trouts’ habitat, reduce harmful sediment, and increase species resiliency to ensure the population’s survival.
Volunteer Projects
The Bob Telmosse Christmas Giveaway
Thur. Dec 20 – Sat. Dec 22
1045 Lower Gold Camp Road
Help to keep the Christmas Spirit alive for children and families in the Pikes Peak Region by volunteering for the Bob Telmosse Foundation’s toy giveaway this weekend! Volunteers are needed to help set up, sort and guide families through the main event on Saturday.
The Bob Telmosse Foundation is still accepting cash donations.
Park Advisory Board
The Board of El Paso County Commissioners is seeking a community-minded citizen volunteer to serve on the El Paso County Park Advisory Board. The Park Advisory Board reviews and comments on items and proposals related to El Paso County Park’s policies, philosophies and objectives, and makes formal recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm, at Centennial Hall.
Applications are due by Jan. 11, 2019.
Shooks Run Trail Clean-up
Thur. Jan 10, 3:30 – 5:00 pm
739 E Pikes Peak Ave
Join us for a Shooks Run trail clean-up on PikeRide bikes! Meet at the PikeRide office to get supplies, then we will head off to clean up the trail and creek area between Costilla St and Williamette Ave. You will be amazed by the fun we have and the things we found.
Please register so PikeRide can be sure to have enough bikes for everyone.
Friends and Partner News
2019 Rescue Run
Tue Jan. 1, 10:00 am
3650 Maizeland Rd
Rain, snow, or 20° below, it’s time for El Paso County Search and Rescue’s 41st Rescue Run! Start the New Year with some healthy competition on a challenging 5K or 10K courses in Palmer Park.
Visit for more information, click here to register
and share on Facebook.
New Exhibits Celebration
Sat. Jan 5, 12:00 – 3:00 pm
245 Bear Creek Road
Join us for this free event as we celebrate the new year with brand new exhibits at Bear Creek Nature Center! We will have presentations from Colorado Parks & Wildlife on the greenback cutthroat trout, live animals with Pikes Peak Community College, puppet shows, a scavenger hunt (with prizes), live music, and free pizza.
Trails, Tails and Ales
Sat. Jan 12, 10:30 am
8510 Burgess Road
Grab your dog and join El Paso County Parks for this special hike! We will be hitting the Black Forest Section 16 Trail, hike the 4-mile trail, and then head to Black Forest Brewing to enjoy a well-deserved beer.
Waldo Canyon Public Meeting
Jan 16, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
1628 W Bijou St
Come to the Westside Community Center to be a part of the first public meeting for Waldo Canyon. The “Re-Imagine Waldo Canyon” planning project seeks to develop a set of recommendations
for Waldo Canyon that balances the vision of the community with protection of the resource and
watershed while simultaneously considering new opportunities for outdoor recreation, access,
safety, and trail connectivity.
Wolf Moon Hike
Sat. Jan 19, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
320 Pepper Grass Lane, Fountain
Visit Fountain Creek Nature Center to learn about the phases of the moon from a naturalist. The adventure will start with an indoor discussion, followed by a guided hike on an easy moonlit trail. Be ready to test your nocturnal animal knowledge along the way!
Activity # 304000-49
Holiday Gift Ideas
Need something “Colorado” for that out-of-state Friend? All profits at the Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Gift Shop go right back into maintaining the Garden. While you’re there, check out the new improvements on Gateway and Foothill Trails!
Need a small something for a teacher, coworker or holiday host? Buy a Red Rock Bar from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory! A portion of the proceeds are donated to the Trails and Open Space Coalition. Supporting the trails never tasted sweeter.
Find great deals on outdoor gear at Mountain Equip Recyclers (MER). Plus, donate your old lightly used items to raise money for Trails and Open Space Coalition. Since opening in 2010 MER has donated $290,000 to local non-profits!
Spend your dollars locally and support the places and organizations committed to making our community great!
Do your shopping at and Amazon will donate to Trails and Open Space Coalition!


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