News Nov 14, 2018

News November 14, 2018
2018 Garden of the Gods Full Moon Hike
Fri. Nov 23, 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Take in spectacular views of Garden of the Gods under a full moon! Enjoy a magical self-guided walk, telescope stations and refreshments. Hosted by the Trails and Open Space Coalition, Garden of the Gods Foundation, and Friends of Garden of the Gods.
Check out and share our Facebook Event.
Prices increase at the door so register early! Click here to purchase tickets.
The Bob Telmosse Foundation will be collecting toys for their 36th annual Bob Telmosee Christmas Giveway during the Full Moon Hike. The toys must be new and unwrapped. The biggest needs for this year are toys for kids 8 and up: sports equipment, Legos, and gift cards to movie theaters and restaurants.
News and Updates
TOSC was sad to learn that one of the pillars of the organization lost his wife recently. Dan Cleveland was the Executive Director of TOSC from 1994-2009. His wife Pat passed away on November 3 surrounded by loved ones.
A mass for Pat will be held at Saint Francis of Assisi Church at 11 a.m. November 19th. Our sincere condolences to Dan and his family. A memorial website honoring Pat’s life can be accessed here.
Sand Creek Stormwater Project
The Sand Creek Trail has been extended and now has the first-ever Navigable Drop Structures in Colorado Springs! The City’s Water Resources Engineering Division is introducing Complete Creeks as a way to bring educational and recreational components into the design of stormwater infrastructure projects.
The City of Colorado Springs will be celebrating the project completion by hosting Global Fat Bike Day on December 1, 2018! More details to come.
Visit the City of Colorado Springs for more information about the project.
Upcoming Events
Ladies Night
at Phelan Gardens
Sat. Nov 17, 3:00 – 7:30 pm
Bring your girlfriends to enjoy a night of creativity and relaxation with wine, music and refreshments. Join a class for some hands on fun.
TwentyOne8 Gallery
Open Wed. – Friday, 10:00 – 3:00 pm
If you missed the “Summit” art show reception last week, there is still time to check out this exquisite exhibit of local artists. Stop by TwentyOne8 Gallery to peruse the artwork and support our community. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Trails and Open Space Coalition and your donation will enter you in a drawing to win one of three great gift baskets! But hurry, the drawing will take place Nov. 14th, show ends Nov 30th.
Visit for more information about the gallery.
LIVE “Outdoors with Hiking Bob” Podcast
Tues. Nov 20, 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Live “Outdoors with Hiking Bob” podcast with Trails and Open Space Coalition‘s Executive Director Susan Davies. Come to Trails End Taproom to hear about a variety of topics concerning outdoor recreation in the Pikes Peak region. So stop in and join the discussion.
Last Ladies PikeRide of 2018
Sat. Nov 24, 11:00 – 1:00 pm
Gear up for the final 2018 Ladies Ride, sponsored by Bike Colorado Springs! This low-key social ride is for women, age 18 and older, who want to have some fun explore the area using the convenient PikeRide share bicycles. Weather permitting, the ride will start at Lincoln Center PikeRide station, head to the Fine Arts Center via Pikes Peak Greenway, and loop back using the new bicycle lanes on Cascade. After the ride, the new group of comrades will gather at Building Three Coffee for coffee and snacks. Registration is limited to 10 attendees.
More info on Facebook. Click to Register.
Tour de Lights
Sun. Dec 9, 5:30 – 8:00 pm
Deck the halls and your bicycle because it is time for the 1st Annual Tour de Lights.Bike Colorado Springs, a program of the Trails and Open Space Coalition will partner with the Trails End Taproom to put on this fun, pedal-powered and festively-lit event. Prizes for best decorated bike(s) and best decorated helmet.
While you are there, don’t forget to vote for Trails and Open Space to received funds for the Give! Great Outdoors Challenge.
Link to Facebook Event.
Give! Campaign
Join us for some fun events (most of them are free entry!) and let’s celebrate!
Give! is a year-end multimedia and guerrilla marketing campaign designed to generate funds, volunteers and applause for the important work local nonprofits perform. This year there are 90+ nonprofits in Give!
Do Good Drinking
Tue. Nov 27 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Join us for a good cause at Pikes Peak Brewing. $1 from each beer purchased will go to Give! nonprofits, aka Trails and Open Space Coalition. Make a donation and you could win a fabulous door prize.
Bikes and Brews
at Old Town Bike Shop
Dec 5, 6 – 8 pm
Karma Hour
at Bristol Brewing
Dec 18, 6 – 8 pm
Trails End – Give! Great Outdoors Challenge
Trails End Taproom will donate 5% of all sales throughout November and December to the Great Outdoors Give! nonprofits. So pour yourself a craft beer at the only self-pour taproom in Colorado Springs and vote to support the Trails and Open Space Coalition.
Give! Black Lager
Any time you purchase a Black Lager at Bristol Brewing or Old Chicago, now throw December, $3 from each pint sold goes to the Give! charity of your choice. Vote for Trails and Open Space Coalition to help us raise money for local parks and trails.
Volunteer Projects
Palmer Park Work Day
Sat. Dec 1, 9:00 – 12:00 PM
Palmer Park 3600 Maizeland Rd
Traverse the park while doing some good. Volunteers are needed for picking up trash and collecting dog waste. Smaller groups will be led in performing light trail maintenance and clearing trail corridor throughout the park. You must register to participate!
Visit Guardians of Palmer Park for more information and registration.
Friends and Partner News
Friends of Monument Valley Park
Wed. Nov 14, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Help repair the historic stonework in Monument Valley Park by visiting Johnny’s Navajo Hogan. A percentage of your food purchases will be donated to Friends of Monument Valley Park.
Visit Friends of Monument Valley Parkfor more information.
Bear Aware Program
Sat. Nov 17, 10:00 am
Learn how to coexist with black bears, reduce conflicts and keep ourselves and bears safe at the Bear Creek Nature Center. Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff will be providing a free public presentation about bear awareness and safety.
For more information please contact
Thur. Nov. 29, 6:30 pm
Learn about and discuss the development of Jones Park at the community meeting. Jones Park is 1,200 acre site located west of Colorado Springs within the Bear Creek Watershed.The meeting will consist of an overview of the master plan process and residents will have the opportunity to provide input on proposed Jones Park improvements.
Please contact El Paso County Parks 520-7529 for additional information.
Jones Park Community Meeting
Waldo Canyon
Thanks to all of you who took the time to fill out the Waldo Canyon survey, we had an excellent number of respondents! We are excited to re-imagine Waldo Canyon as a community. The first public meeting will be Jan 16th 6:00 – 8:30 pm at the Westside Community Center.
For updates please
Garden of the Gods Trail Repairs
Colorado Springs City Council has approved shifting Trails, Parks and Open Space (TOPS) Trails dollars to the Foothills and Gateway Trails in Garden of the Gods.
The money was removed from other trail projects that were on the schedule to be completed later.
Report park issues to El Paso County
To report an El Paso County park facility or park maintenance issue to Parks Operations, submit an online Customer Service Request through Citizen Connect. Citizen Connect allows you to keep track of the progress of your request.
Give back to trails and parks.
Support the Trails and Open Space Coalition.
We speak for the parks, trails and open spaces we all love and want to protect. Won’t you help us?
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