UPDATE: Announcing the Fifth in a series of public meetings on the Strawberry Hill Master Plan. The public is invited to an Open House to view and comment on the Master Plan draft document.
Date: Tuesday, April 3, Time: 6 to 8 p.m.
Location: Cheyenne Mountain High School, 1200 Cresta Road.
For special ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accommodations, call 719-488-5908 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The meeting is an Open House format. Information for each topic related to the Master Plan document will be on display. Project team consultants and representatives of The
Broadmoor will be available to discuss the Master Plan, address questions, and to take public comment.
Meeting #4 of the Strawberry Hill Master Plan took place on March 7, 2018. Maps presented included the trail system and access points, parking locations, neighborhood trail connections, and Hully Gully access. The existing South Canon Trail will remain in the current location. Trail Loop A (lower loop), Trail Loop B (upper loop) and Trail Loop C (parallel to the Chamberlain Trail) will be for equestrian and public use. Trail Loop D will provide access along the Old Stage Road corridor and will be for hikers and mountain bikers only. Social trails will be closed to provide a smooth transition between the old and new trails. Also presented were plans for water quality and erosion control.
Site plans and details on the stable, picnic area, and building envelope were displayed. Lighting on the site will be Dark Sky Compliant. Picnic area event sound levels are expected to be at or below ambient noise level near the adjacent neighborhoods. The entire project will be divided into three phases.
Equestrian use will be limited to a maximum of 6 group rides per day. Horses will be go away on vacation (relocated) during the off-season. Trails will be inspected once per day during the equestrian season. And manure will be removed at the end of each day.
There will be another public meeting in early April (date to be determined) for individuals who want to learn more about the plan and share their feedback.
Link for the complete presentation: https://www.strawberryhillmasterplan.com/public-meeting-4-tbd/
Link to a comment form for individuals who did not have the opportunity to attend the meeting: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58a72f9ee6f2e15c9edefc30/t/5aa5bfe2085229361155892c/1520812003307/Gen+Comment+form+for+website.pdf