News March 14, 2018

Strawberry Hill Master Plan
Ute Valley Park Fundraiser at Panera March 15
Sustainability in Progress takes on Parks issues
Sand Creek cleanup March 17
Waldo Canyon planning process awarded State Trails grant
North Cheyenne Cañon plan online for review
Crew Leader Training Registration Open.
5K Poker Ride/Run March 24
Earth Day Cleanups April 21
El Paso County Nature Centers Events
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MARCH 14, 2018


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Strawberry Hill draft Master Plan presented

On March 7, the public got a look at the Master Plan proposals for Strawberry Hill. Maps presented included the trail system and access points, parking locations, neighborhood trail connections, and Hully Gully access. Read more on our blog.
All the maps and information presented at the meeting, as well as results of the other three public meetings, are available at the Strawberry Hill Master Plan website.


Panera Fundraiser for Ute Valley Park March 15

Friends of Ute Valley Park is hosting a fundraiser at Panera in University Village, 5230 North Nevada,Thursday, March 15 from 4 to 8 pm. Show the flyer above to the cashier when you order and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to benefit Ute Valley Park.
The Friends of Ute Valley Park is a program of the Trails and Open Space Coalition.


Parks Sustainability topic of upcoming SIP
Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future
Sustainability in Progress (SIP), monthly sustainability speaker series
March 21, 7:30 am. 
Wildcat Room at Ivywild School
The State of Our Parks – Are They Sustainable? 
We will discuss the state of our local parks and open spaces and engage in the challenges and opportunities facing our outdoor spaces
Kurt Schroeder – Parks Recreation, and Cultural Services
Susan Davies – Trails and Open Space Coalition
Becky Leinweber – Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance


Sand Creek Cleanup March 17


Saturday, March 17, 10am-2pm
Trail along Sand Creek behind Sierra High School  

The public is invited to a cleanup of Sand Creek alongside more than 100 Colorado Springs Girl Scouts
“Trash Mob” Action Hero costume cleanup from 12 – 1 pm
VOLUNTEERS: Wear study boots, long pants, bring a water bottle and have fun! Trash bags, gloves will be provided.


Waldo Canyon Planning to begin.
Watch for public meetings in the fall.


Trails and Open Space Coalition will be working with partners on planning for Waldo Canyon, including a new trail system. Colorado Parks and Wildlife State Trails Program has awarded the Waldo Canyon Trail planning process a $45,000 grant through Great Outdoors Colorado. Watch for announcements about public meetings to be held in the fall of 2018.
Partners include Rocky Mountain Field Institute (RMFI), the U.S. Forest Service, and the Pike National Forest.
Read more on our blog.


Crew Leader Training Registration now open.
Sessions run May 4 – 6, 2018.


2018 Crew Leader Training
May 4 – 6, 2018
Bear Creek Nature Center
Cost: $25, includes food.
We need more help on the trails!
If you want to work on trails and lead projects this may be the training for you. Space is limited so apply early. Applicants must have trails work experience, agree to a background check (no cost) and participate in two post-training work days.
Crew Leader Training is hosted by the Trails and Open Space Coalition, RMFI, Friends of the Peak and the City of Colorado Springs.


North Cheyenne Cañon Plan online for review


North Cheyenne Cañon – last chance to be heard!  The Draft Master and Management plan can be found at this link.  Among the issues brought up by the community and called out in the plan:
  • Access (traffic, parking)
  • Cycling (parking for bicycles, bike lanes)
  • Signage (wayfinding, trail routes, park rules)
  • Trails (connectivity, additional trailheads)
  • User conflicts (on trails, roadways, dogs)
  • Visitors (increased volume, experience)
Read the plan and share your thoughts and experiences. The window for review and response: March 7-March 18th.


Banning Lewis Ranch–parks and open space on the line.


City Council is looking at revising the old annexation agreement for Banning Lewis Ranch to make it more affordable for developers to create neighborhoods.
The Trails and Open Space Coalition is encouraging the city to make a deal for the conservation of up to 5,000 acres called out in the Parks Master Plan before they agree to the revision.
We also believe that any agreement should include a provision requiring developers to build and maintain parks in those neighborhoods.




5K poker ride/run March 24


Sat, March 24
Bear Creek Regional Park
Bikers start: 9:30 am
Runners start: 9:45 am
Horses start: 10:15 am
Hikers start: 10:30 am

 Each participant gets a scorecard to start. There are five checkpoints on the course at which you will draw a card. Turn your hand in at the finish line. This is a family-friendly, non-speed event (leashed dogs are welcome too). Anyone can win!
$15 in advance. $20 day of event. Registration day of event starts at 8:30am.
All funds go toward building the Equestrian Skills Course in Bear Creek Regional Park.


Friends of Stratton Open Space April 9


Monday, April 9th,  

7 – 8 pm

Meeting Room, Cheyenne Mountain Library, 1785 South 8th Street
The Friends of Stratton Open Space seeks new or returning board members and interested volunteers.
 Friends of Stratton Open Space identifies needs on the property and then organizes funds and volunteers to meet those needs.


Earth Day Cleanups April 21


Middle Shooks Run

Spring Cleanup of Shooks Run Creek
Sat, April 21, 9am to 12pm
Celebrate Earth Day by helping clean up our neighborhood creek. Be sure to wear sturdy shoes and bring gloves. We will clean the creek from Uintah Street south to Pikes Peak Avenue. Register and pick up trash bags at one of these locations:
Prairie Dog O’Byrne Park at 505 E Bijou Street (Bijou and Corona Streets)

North Shooks Run Park on Franklin Street just north of Willamette.

Saturday, April 21, 9 am
Over 20 sites. Sign up at the Great American Cleanup Pikes Peak Partners website. Pro tip: sign up EARLY to choose the site you most want to visit, as numbers are limited and some sites tend to fill up.


El Paso County Nature Centers–Spring Events


Chocolate Bunny Egg Hunt
Ftn Creek Nature Center
Saturday, March 31
9 am11 am1 pm
Meet a live rabbit, learn about rabbits via a fun, interactive slideshow, then hunt for eggs as you hike through the woods. Ages 2-10 with adult. Prepaid reservations required. Limit 60 per session. $5 per member child, $6 per nonmember child.
Register by phone at 719-520-6745.
Earth Day Family Stroll at Bear Creek
Saturday, April 21, 
Noon-2:00 p.m.
Join us for a family-friendly hike to enjoy earth’s beauty at Bear Creek. Create a take-home craft using recycled materials. No fee but preregistration is required. Space is limited.


Registration is open for nature camps at Bear Creek and Fountain Creek Nature Centers!
Click here to:



Needs Survey–give your input!


Please complete PPACG’s Needs Survey to share your thoughts about the most pressing transportation needs in the Pikes Peak region. Survey responses will be reviewed and summarized in PPACG’s annual needs report and the needs chapter of the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan. Responses will supplement quantitative data about safety, congestion, maintenance, and other documented needs.


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