Spring Fling Poker Ride/Run

Join the Friends of the Equestrian for a Spring Fling Poker Ride/Run!  This is a fundraiser to build a new equestrian skills course.   Saturday, March 24, at Bear Creek Regional park, with parking at the Norris Penrose Event Center.  Bikers start at 9:30am, runners start at 9:45am, horses start at 10:15am, hikers start at 10:30am.  At each checkpoint you draw a card.  Turn your hand in at the finish line.  Prizes are given out for the high and low hand in each category.  Anyone can win in this non-speed event!
$15 in advance, $20 day of event.  Click here to register:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-fling-5k-poker-riderun-fundraiser-tickets-43107383344

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