Fountain Creek Regional Trail projects scheduled

Several areas on the Fountain Creek Regional Trail have been impacted by flooding issues. Two repair projects have been scheduled in the first part of 2018.
Trail Relocation
A section of the Fountain Creek Regional Trail north of Camping World is located on private property. The County holds a conservation easement on the property along Fountain Creek and a 25 foot trail easement for the regional trail. The trail easement is fully fenced as it passes through agricultural grazing pasture and several prairie dog colonies. Earlier this year after several rain events a large portion of the bank eroded away making the trail impassible. Staff met with representatives from the property owner and negotiated relocating the trail away from the Creek. Resources have been allocated to relocate a 400-foot section of the regional trail in early 2018. Repairs will be completed by Parks staff and include construction of new trail and decommissioning of old trail; installation of new fencing and removal of old fencing; installation of a 72” diameter culvert; and associated earthwork. The repairs are anticipated to be completed in February and cost approximately $20,000.
The trail is currently closed. It will reopen in February after construction is completed. No detour is available.
Map of closure neat Camping World: Trail Closure near Camping World
Maxwell Street Trailhead
The Maxwell Street Trailhead is a section of the Fountain Creek Regional Trail which is located at the intersection of Maxwell Street and US Hwy 85. The creek bank and trail sustained major damage during the 2013 flood and was repaired through FEMA project funding. The upper portion of the embankment has eroded in areas due to concentrated storm water flows from the street and a parking lot which is encroaching the trails edge. The project is anticipated to receive FEMA reimbursement with Parks staff completing the work. Project scope consists of re-aligning and constructing approximately 300 linear feet of new trail; grading and drainage improvements; installation of new 12” diameter culvert for storm water runoff collection; rip rap treatments; haul and place approximately 340 tons embankment fill; embankment native seeding. Repairs are anticipated to be completed in March and will cost approximately $20,000.
This trail is currently open. Trail will be closed for 1-2 weeks during construction; a detour during non-working hours will be available.
Map of repairs to Maxwell St section: Maxwell St project

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