EPC to improve Widefield Park

El Paso County Parks will spend more than $360,000 to improve Widefield Community Park, located in Security-Widefield, southeast of Colorado Springs. Design and development will take place in the winter and early spring of 2018, with construction in the summer and fall of 2018.
So many exciting things are coming to this park!

  • Installation of a new playground, restroom renovations, installation of park benches, and improved park signage and safety elements (street crossing striping and signs), for which improvements El Paso County Parks applied and was awarded a $150,000 Community Development Block Grant.
  • Installation of an exercise course, basketball court improvements, construction of two pickleball courts, and trail construction and improvement, for which improvements EPC Parks applied and was awarded a $110,000 Colorado Springs Health Foundation Grant.
  • $100,000 in Urban Park Fees (collected from developers) will be used for the installation of trash receptacles, improved pedestrian lighting along Crews Gulch Trail, disc golf course improvements, installation of two new picnic tables and BBQ grills, and landscape improvements.
  • El Paso County will continue to work with the Pikes Peak Flying Disc Club to identify and prioritize improvements to the 18-hole disc golf course, which is the second oldest disc golf course in the Pikes Peak region, and one of the most widely used.

The Widefield Community Park Master Plan was completed in June 2017 through a public process, and included a list of Phase I and Future Phase Improvements, many of which were suggestions from residents.
Congratulations to El Paso County Parks on the grant awards. We look forward to reporting on the progress of the improvements to Widefield Community Park as it becomes a model for the rest of the region!

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