News Dec 6, 2017

Fill out the cycling survey by Dec 10
Volunteer Sat, Dec 9 to help mark the Legacy Loop trail
Indy Give! Free events, beer and fun!

Corral Bluffs Alliance Dec 11
Cheyenne Mountain State Park Holiday Open House Dec 9

Volunteer projects and events.
Trails and Open Space Coalition celebrates 30 years.

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Cycling in COS needs your help! Respond by Dec 10.

You can bet the anti-bike folks have already had their say on this matter; we need people with good feedback to weigh in! These are multiple-choice questions about what you think is most important out of a list; you don’t have to read the whole plan to participate!
You can see the bike Master plan at this link.

You have until December 10th to add comments.

Volunteers needed Sat, Dec 9–Legacy Loop trail markers

Legacy Loop Workday to install trail markers along both Monument Valley trail and Shooks Run trail.
Saturday, December 9th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Meet at the newly-dedicated Legacy Loop Plaza parking area, just east of I-25 off the Fontanero exit
The Legacy Loop lacks trail signs and way-finding is challenging. Your help in installing trail markers helps the City stretch scarce Parks dollars. The trail sign project will be completed with donated funds and volunteers.
No experience needed. Families are welcome. Meet at 10 for sign placing instruction and tool safety talk. Bring a hat, water bottle, sunscreen, work gloves, and snacks.
Thanks to: Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department; Springs Fabrication manufactured the trail markers; Colorado Springs Forward funded the purchase of the trail markers; and community members (that’s YOU!) assisting in the installation of the trail markers.

Fun, free upcoming events!

Dec 7 Bikes and Brews at Old Town Bike Shop
Thursday, December 7, 6-8:30 pm.
Old Town Bike Shop, 426 S. Tejon.

(with Millibo Art Theater, RMFI, The Independence Center, Kids on Bikes and Medicine Wheel).
Free beer, snacks and prizes. Enjoy socializing with the five nonprofit partners. Entertainment by Millibo Art Theater.
Beer donated by Fieldhouse Brewing. Special thanks to Old Town Bike Shop for letting us take over and throw a party!
Give! Black Lager, available at the Bristol Pub and area Old Chicago Restaurants.
For every pint of Give! Black Lager you enjoy, Bristol will give $3 directly to the Give! nonprofit of your choosing–and we hope you will choose the Trails and Open Space Coalition! Just make your selection on the ballot you get with your pint.
Help us conserve open space and parks, get great swag, and have some fun–join us!

Friends and Partner News

Corral Bluffs Alliance 2017 Celebration Dec 11
Monday, Dec 11, 5:30 pm – ???
Guadalajara Family Mexican Restaurant
Learn what’s new with Corral Bluffs Open Space & what’s in store in 2018–exciting new hike routes and options for the new year! Silent auction, food and drink available.

Corral Bluffs Alliance Website.

Cheyenne Mountain State Park Holiday Open House
Sat, Dec 9, 10 am – 2 pm
Enjoy holiday treats, hot cocoa & activities as you meet your park & the Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff and volunteers. Visitor Center parking is free.
Friends of CMSP website.

Save the Dates

Please help create the Master Plan for North Cheyenne Cañon by attending these community workshops:
  • Thursday, Jan 25, 6 pm
  • Tuesday, March 6, 5 pm
All will be held at Cheyenne Mountain High School, 1200 Cresta Road.
Approximately 90 people attended the second North Cheyenne Cañon Park Master Plan community workshop on Oct. 17. Project team members first presented their site assessment of the Park, followed by participants working in small groups to identify the problems and opportunities they see in the Park. Groups also discussed and indicated their preferences for six traffic management/reduction ideas.

More info here.

The Trails and Open Space Coalition Celebrates 30 years!

Donate now–your donation helps preserve open space and parks.

Thanks to those of you who have generously renewed your membership AND added $30 as we celebrate our 30th anniversary. It was 1987 when a group of community leaders came together to form the Pikes Peak Trails Association to see that land was set aside, trails were built and connected.
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