Strawberry Hill Master Plan Sept 12

Strawberry Hill Master Plan Public Meeting 3 
Focus on Multi-Purpose Sustainable Trails
Information provided by NES, Inc, the consultants working on the Strawberry Hill Master Plan and Public Process.
Third in a series of public meetings for the Strawberry Hill Master Plan 
Date:   Tuesday, September 12
Time:   5 to 7 p.m.
Location:  Cheyenne Mountain High School, 1200 Cresta Road.
Focus of the Meeting:  Public input to help define the multi-purpose sustainable trail system.
Following an overview of the project and status, participants will break into small groups in a workshop format to discuss trails on the 182.14-acre Strawberry Hill Property. Per the terms of the Land Exchange, all but the 8.5-acre building envelope is available for public access and trail development. Maps of the property showing existing unofficial and unmaintained social trails will be provided along with suggested trail corridors. Participants will be asked to respond to the suggested trail corridors and make recommendations of where sustainable public trails should be constructed and located.
In a land exchange approved by the Colorado Springs City Council in May 2016, The Broadmoor obtained a 182.14-acre site in North Cheyenne Canyon known as Strawberry Hill. In exchange for that property, the City of Colorado Springs acquired 371 acres and a variety of strategic trail easements previously owned by The Broadmoor that greatly improves city and public access to local trails and public recreation areas.
Public input during last year’s land exchange process was extremely valuable in shaping numerous terms and conditions that ensure public access to all but the 8.5-acre building envelope of the 182.14 acres of The Broadmoor’s property at Strawberry Hill. A Conservation Easement, South Canyon Trail Easement, Chamberlain Trail Easement, Hully Gully Easement, Old Stage Road Access Easement, an 8.5-acre Building Envelope, several utility easements, and other deed restrictions were recorded on the property by the City of Colorado Springs to ensure the public’s interests were legally protected and the terms of the land exchange would be upheld.
Within the context of these conditions, The Broadmoor is conducting a Master Plan process. The public has an opportunity to provide input that will help inform the plan during this series of public meetings.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) we will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities.  Anyone requiring an auxiliary aid or serve to participate in this meeting should make the request as soon as possible by calling 719/488-5908, but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.
Click HERE for the Public Meeting 2 Summary, April 13, 2017
Click HERE for the Public Meeting 1 Summary, March 8, 2017.
Click HERE for the map of The Strawberry Hill property.

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