Red Rock Canyon History Talk and Walk

History Talk and Walk
Wednesday, July12th, 2017
Starting at 5:30 pm
Red Rock Canyon Open Space Pavilion
From Ute fortifications, mines and quarries, to railroads and gold mills, to pony rides and grandiose plans, to public open space, the Red Rock Canyon area has a varied and colorful history. When settlers from the east came to Colorado City, the Red Rock Canyon area was explored and exploited for its geologic resources. Tawny sandstone from the Dakota hogback was quarried for Colorado City’s earliest stone buildings and for other local buildings. After the Midland Railroad built a spur into Red Rock Canyon, Red Lyons sandstone quarried in Red Rock Canyon was shipped as far away as Texas and California. Several mills for milling Cripple Creek ore were built in Colorado City. The first and the last of these were built on the edge of what is now Red Rock Canyon Open Space. Just over half a century later, grandiose developments were envisioned for Red Rock Canyon.
After a discussion of Red Rock Canyon history, a short easy walk will take us to stone quarries, clay and limestone mines, and the remains of a gold mill.
Come hear Don Ellis on Wednesday, July 12th, starting at 5:30pm. Light refreshments will be provided.

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