Strawberry Hill Master Plan Public Meeting April 13
Strawberry Hill Master Plan
Public Meeting #2
Thursday, April 13, 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Cheyenne Mountain Jr High
1200 W Cheyenne Rd
Visit the website for the master plan at: https://www.strawberryhillmasterplan.com/
Bike Master Plan Meeting May 3

Bike Master Plan Public Information Session
Wednesday, May 3, 5 – 7 pm
Carnegie Reading Room, Downtown Penrose Library, 20 North Cascade Ave.
Residents are invited to attend a Public Information Session to learn about the Colorado Springs Bicycle Master Plan and to provide critical input.
The purpose of the Plan is to establish a vision and roadmap for how Colorado Springs can provide a level of bike infrastructure across the entire city that accommodates the range of users who want/need to bicycle. The ultimate goals of the plan are safety, integration, accessibility and inclusivity for people on bikes.
City Council election results.

What an election! Thank you for taking the time to read candidates’ answers about increased funding for parks and better bicycle infrastructure. Thousands of citizens read our last newsletter and an impressive percentage clicked through to read the full article on our website.
Four of the winners showed good support for parks, trails and bikeways. David Geislinger (District 2), Richard Skorman(District 3),Yolanda Avila (District 4) and Jill Gaebler(District 3) all indicated support for additional revenue for parks and making the city more “bike friendly.”
The composition of the new city council could finally mean restoring parks funding to what it was 10 years ago. More to come!
To read the answers to our parks and bikes questions from our newly-elected City Council Members:
Shooks Run access to Pikes Peak Ave closed

Access between Shooks Run Trail and Pikes Peak Avenue is closed. Trail traffic is being detoured onto Bijou and Kiowa to maintain access. This is for the safety of all users, as there is intensive construction happening east of Corona. We anticipate the closure will be in place for the next 3 weeks

Guardians of Palmer Park Fundraiser April 18
Tuesday, April 18, 5:30 – 8 pm
Rock Bottom Brewery
3316 Cinema Point
Please join The Guardians of Palmer Park at Rock Bottom Brewery for a fundraiser event on April 18th, 2017. GoPP will be joining Rock Bottom Brewery for their tapping party (Hefeweizen). Rock Bottom will donate $0.25 per pint of Hefeweizen sold for a calendar month from the date of the tapping.
Earth Day Happenings–Saturday, April 22
Earth Day at Rock Ledge and the Garden
Sat, April 22, 9 am-3 pm
Admission: Free
In combination with the Garden of the Gods Nature and Visitor Center, celebrate the environment at Rock Ledge Ranch on this free day! Historic homes will be open, as well as the Blacksmith Shop and General Store. Bring a picnic and come have a great time while supporting the Ranch!
Sat, April 22 11 am – 4 pm
Mid Shooks Run Park & Sustainacenter
702-704 E Boulder St
Sustainability demonstrations, live music, food trucks, Sustainacenter tours and family fun activities. Ride or walk on the Legacy Loop to the festival and enjoy the festival with family and friends!
Great American Cleanup
Pikes Peak Partners
Sat, April 22, 9 am
Site coordinators will host volunteer check-in sites beginning at 9 am at over 20 locations. Youth under 16 must be supervised by an adult. Register at www.gacppp.com.
Cheyenne Cañon Cleanup
Sat, April 22, 9 am – 12 pm
Join the Friends of Cheyenne Canon for a trail clean-up day throughout the canon.
Lunch will be provided for volunteers at 11:30am.
Sat, April 15, 8:30 am
Garden of the Gods workday. Volunteers will complete trail maintenance and restoration projects. This is moderate to strenuous work and requires some heavy lifting.
Fountain Creek Nature Center Jr Docents
New volunteer opportunity for mature and dependable teens 14-17 who are outgoing, want to develop public speaking skills & learn about nature. Four 3-hour shifts during the summer. Required training Thurs, May 25 6-8:00 p.m.
Save the date–Sept 4–for the ADT Races!
Join over 1,000 runners competing in the 2017 American Discovery Trail Races Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, and Kids 1K. The scenic course along paved and dirt trails is about as fast and flat as you can find in Colorado. All proceeds directly benefit local trails and local non-profits dedicated to trail stewardship and community running events in Colorado Springs.
Labor Day – Monday, September 4, 2017
America the Beautiful Park
- Marathon will start at Palmer Lake and finish at America the Beautiful Park.
- Boston marathon qualified point-to-point course through the United States Air Force Academy.
- The half marathon, 10K, and Kids Races will start and finish at America the Beautiful Park in downtown Colorado Springs.
More information. Registration link