The Downtown Partnership and the City of Colorado Springs are working together to create a more connected network for pedestrians and cyclists, including connecting downtown to the Pikes Peak Greenway, the Legacy Loop and neighborhoods north and south. Taking advantage of road repavings scheduled in 2017 and 2018, the City can reconfigure roads at no extra cost, to add protected crosswalks and center median protection, reduce lanes for speed control, and connect bike lanes throughout the downtown corridor. Download the fact sheet on the roads projects here: Downtown Road Projects

Please plan to attend a public informational session to support the City in its plan to improve walking and biking:
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Studio Bee at Pikes Peak Center, 190 S. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903
5:30-5:45 p.m. Networking
5:45-6:45 p.m. Presentation
6:45-7:30 p.m. Q&A


  • Cascade from Colorado Avenue to Platte Avenue. There will be no lane reductions due to current traffic volumes and accessibility to I-25. On-street bike lanes will be added and some on street parking will be removed.
  • Pikes Peak Avenue from Nevada to Shooks Run Trailhead, aka “Link the Loop.” This project is both for the purpose of creating a trail extension project, as well as creating better pedestrian protection visitor experience on an extremely wide street. A redesign will include lane reduction due to low traffic volume, reallocation of parking to mirror the parking islands on the western blocks of Pikes Peak (Nevada to Cascade), the addition of protected crosswalks and center median protection for pedestrians, and the addition of protected bike lanes as a trail extension experience. (Connectivity to Shooks Run Trail and eastern portion of the Legacy Loop.)
  • Pikes Peak Avenue from Nevada to Cascade “Link the Loop.” Lanes will be reduced and buffered bike lanes added. This project also meets the purposes of trail extension, and will provide continuity to the other redesigned blocks.
  • Weber Street from Southern Dead End/Lowell development to Pikes Peak Avenue. Addition of new bike lane facilities, reallocated parking in certain locations, and lane reduction from four to two lanes with the addition of a center turn lane. Recommendations are based on low traffic volume, and creating connectivity to the Lowell neighborhood.
  • Rio Grande Street from Sierra Madre to Wahsatch Ave will have a “design clean-up” that will primarily keep the existing design, but will ensure that existing bike lanes are fully connected and safely connect through intersections all the way to the Lowell Neighborhood.

Streets undergoing repaving, but no other changes:

  • Boulder St from Cascade Ave to Nevada Ave
  • Las Vegas St from Nevada Ave to Sierra Madre Ave
  • Mill St from Weber St to Nevada Ave
  • Moreno Ave from Weber St to Tejon St
  • Nevada Ave from I-25 to Las Animas St
  • Nevada Ave from Colorado Ave to Platte Ave
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