News December 14, 2016

$100K planning grant from Great Outdoors CO
We need your help–donate and get a rafting adventure!
Help the elves unload bikes for the Bob Telmosse Giveaway.
We are now in the Colorado Springs Sustainacenter.
News and events.

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We won!! GOCO awards $100K grant for Ring the Peak
This is a huge step forward for Ring the Peak. Now we need your help!
The Trails and Open Space Coalition has received a $100,000 Great Outdoors Colorado Connect Initiative Trail Planning Grant for the Ring the Peak Trail Project, the 60+-mile ring of trails circling Pikes Peak. The grant will allow TOSC and partners (Friends of the Peak and City of Colorado Springs Parks) to hire a project team and create a master plan for the roughly 8-mile gap on the southwest side of Pikes Peak, with an inclusive public process involving land owners, land managers, community leaders, residents and trail users.

We need your help! 

Every Great Outdoors Colorado grant requires matching funds of at least 25% from the community to complete the project. Please donate now and help us raise the rest of the money needed for the planning phase of Ring the Peak.

Special offer: December 14 – 20.
The first ten people to donate $200 or more to the Trails and Open Space Coalition through the IndyGive campaign in the next week (December 14 – 20 only) will receive a coupon good for a half-day rafting adventure from Echo Canyon River Expeditions.

  • This is not a drawing; it is a premium you will receive if you are one of the first ten to donate at the $200 level between December 14 and December 20.

Friends and Partner News
Help unload bikes for the Bob Telmosse giveaway
Thursday, December 15, 9 am

The elves are bringing in 800 bicycles for the annual Christmas giveaway and they need help unloading them. If you can help, please be at the Expo Center at 9 am to help.

To donate bikes or gifts this week: Mon-Sat 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 3650 N Nevada Ave .
The giveaway is Saturday, December 17th.

Please support our business partners this holiday season
give thank you!

Please support our partners–shop, consult or dine with them, and let them know you appreciate their helping parks, trails and open spaces!

Our Business Friends:

Our partner bike shops:

“Table to Trails” with Salsa Brava, Over Easy, Sonterra Grill

Over Easy, Downtown 
and University Village 
Just some food pics of the daily specials at Over Easy (yum). Over Easy donates one dollar to the Trails and Open Space Coalition for every special sold!
Now through May 2017, join Salsa Brava, Over Easy and Sonterra Grill in the Table to Trails fundraiser, and $1 from every lunch special sold will go to support the Trails and Open Space Coalition.
These restaurants are locally owned, and use local ingredients when possible. Now they’re taking their local commitment one step further to support our local trails and open spaces.
Enjoy time out with lunch at Salsa Brava, and support TOSC!

Love the trails? Want to see more connections, more bike routes, more care for our parks? 
Support parks, trails and open spaces through Indy Give!

Please give to the Trails and Open Space Coalition. Your donation supports our important work of preservation and conservation.

We are in the Sustainacenter!

The COS Office of Sustainability established office space in one of two city-owned, Victorian style houses located in the Middle Shooks Run neighborhood (704 E. Boulder Street).  The other house, located at 702 E. Boulder Street, houses sustainability focused non-profit organizations to co-locate with each other and the COS Office of Sustainability.  Collectively, these two houses are referred to as the Sustainacenter.

Trails and Open Space Coalition’s new office address is:

702 E Boulder, Suite 200

Trails and Open Space Coalition
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