Give! Happy Hour at Bristol Brewing Dec 7
Wednesday, December 7, 6-8 pm
Bristol Brewing Company, 1647 S Tejon St
Join the Trails and Open Space Coalition and three “Great Outdoor” Give! friends, Pikes Peak Climber’s Alliance, Rocky Mountain Field Institute, and UpaDowna as we celebrate a Give! happy hour at Bristol Brewing Company!
Try the new Black Lager and VOTE for Trails and Open Space Coalition on the Ballot you’ll get–Bristol will donate $3 to our Give campaign for every vote we get!

The Indy Give! campaign started November 1. Your donation supports parks, trails and open spaces, our projects for bicycle infrastructure and connection of trails and bikeways, regional projects like the Ring the Peak Trails, and more.
Garden of the Gods Full Moon hike Dec 11
Sunday, Dec 11, 5:30 pm
Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center
Please join the Trails and Open Space Coalition and the Friends of Garden of the Gods for our 6th annual Full Moon Hike! This 2 1/4 mile guided hike will depart from the Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Center, taking you through the largest rock formations in the park and through historic Rock Ledge Ranch. After the hike, warm up with cookies and cocoa, check out the new exhibits at the Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Center, and enjoys views of the full moon. Tickets are $5/person or $10/family. Reservations are not required. Please dress warmly and appropriately for the weather!
Facebook Event.
Incline Re-opened December 2
The “Closed” sign comes down! |
Karen Palus, head of the COS Parks Dept, announces the awarding of $2M in federal funds to repair the final segment of the Incline, to take place next fall. (Note the line forming behind her to climb the Incline.)
Hiking Bob posted some videos of the newly-renovated sections on the Indy Facebook page– check it out!
Advice from Incline Friends: “Save yourself the hassle of looking for and paying for parking. Park FREE at Hiawatha Gardens (the former Tajine Alami restaurant) on Old Man Trail between Manitou Avenue and El Paso Street. The free bus picks up there about every 20 minutes… Permitted hours for using the Incline will be from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Please adhere to these hours. Please remember that no pets are permitted on the Incline at any time.”
2D “Yes for Trails” at work!
Work is in progress to renovate the Shooks Run Trail behind the Bonn Shopping Center. We’ll post photos of the final beautiful result when it’s complete. Thanks for voting Yes for Trails on 2D!
“PlanCOS” to chart the City’s future course.
“What do you want Colorado Springs to be in 10-20 years?” #PlanCOS will set the stage for the city’s future. It’s time for Colorado Springs to get citizens involved to create a plan for the next 10 to 20 years for our City. Have your say about the direction of the City!
The Trails and Open Space Coalition is part of the steering committee. We will help keep you informed, or use the link below for more info.
Stratton Open Space, D. Bursnall |
City needs TOPS photos for 20th anniversary video
SpringsTV, the City video department, is working on a video piece to commemorate 20 years of the TOPS program. They are looking for any photographs you may have (new or old) of TOPS trails or open spaces to include in their story.
Renew North Nevada Final Workshop Dec 8
Thursday, December 8, 6 pm
Mortgage Solutions Financial Expo Center, 3650 North Nevada Avenue
Community roundtables, an online survey, and the series of community workshops have generated the involvement of over 800 residents. To see results from the process to-date, visit this link.
Based on the community’s response to the plan options, planners will prepare a draft plan for a last round of public review at an open house on January 17, 2017 at 6 p.m.The final recommended plan will be considered for approval by the Colorado Springs Planning Commission in February and by City Council in March.
“Table to Trails” with Salsa Brava, Over Easy, Sonterra Grill
Over Easy, Downtown
and University Village
Just some food pics of the daily specials at Over Easy (yum). Over Easy donates one dollar to the Trails and Open Space Coalition for every special sold!
Now through May 2017, join Salsa Brava, Over Easy and Sonterra Grill in the Table to Trails fundraiser, and $1 from every lunch special sold will go to support the Trails and Open Space Coalition.
These restaurants are locally owned, and use local ingredients when possible. Now they’re taking their local commitment one step further to support our local trails and open spaces.
Enjoy time out with lunch at Salsa Brava, and support TOSC!

Love the trails? Want to see more connections, more bike routes, more care for our parks?
Support parks, trails and open spaces through Indy Give!
Please give to the Trails and Open Space Coalition. Your donation supports our important work of preservation and conservation.

We are in the Sustainacenter!
The COS Office of Sustainability established office space in one of two city-owned, Victorian style houses located in the Middle Shooks Run neighborhood (704 E. Boulder Street). The other house, located at 702 E. Boulder Street, houses sustainability focused non-profit organizations to co-locate with each other and the COS Office of Sustainability. Collectively, these two houses are referred to as the Sustainacenter.
Trails and Open Space Coalition’s new office address is:
702 E Boulder, Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Trails and Open Space Coalition