“What do you want Colorado Springs to be in 10-20 years?”  #PlanCOS will set the stage for the city’s future.
It’s time for Colorado Springs to get citizens involved to create a plan for the next 10 to 20 years for our City. We need input from all ages, income brackets, ethnicities, and areas of town to come up with a plan that reflects a true community vision. What do you think is worthy of our attention? What should we preserve for the future? What needs to be improved? Are there areas of town that need to be renewed?
You can take a 5-minute survey to give your opinion at Find out more at the City’s Facebook page or on Twitter @springsgov. The FAQ page at will answer some of your questions, give you the chance to get involved, and or allow you to sign up as a “Co-Creator” if you want to convene groups and gather input.

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