Tree and brush cutting scheduled for Stratton Open Space, University Park and Bear Creek Canyon Park.
If you see lots of pink and orange flagging in Stratton Open Space, Austin Bluffs Open Space or Bear Creek Canyon Park, City Forestry wants you to know they are designating areas due for forest restoration in early 2017. These projects will be machine and hand work involving cutting and masticating oak brush and trees.
For Members only: Members’ Celebration October 27!
Our Annual Member Celebration is this Thursday, October 27!
We are looking forward to treating our members to a fun evening out and thanking you for your support. Explore the Space Foundation Discovery Center and celebrate with us! Heavy hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine, door prizes, and more. This is a free Members’ event.
Thursday, Oct 27, 6 pm – 8 pm
Space Foundation Discovery Center,
4425 Arrowswest Dr
For questions about your membership status, email eileen@trailsandopenspaces.org.
Coming up–fun Give! events!

The Indy Give! season starts November 9th, and that means lots of unique events, with prizes, food and drink, and fun!
From pups to bikes to Toad the Wet Sprocket, we’ve got something you’ll like. Please come out and support us, and have a great time!
Link to our schedule of Give! events.

Thursday, November 10, 5-10 pm
Yappy Hour with ABRT
Gold Camp Brewing, 1007 S Tejon St.
We’re teaming up with All Breed Rescue and Training to bring you a dog-friendly happy hour with great beer, snacks, prizes and drawings! A portion of the proceeds will be donated back to Trails and Open Space Coalition and ABRT.
We’ll also be presenting our brand NEW dog park brochure, with two new leash-free areas for you to visit with your best furry friend!
Friday, November 18th, 7:30 – 10:30 pm
Glen Phillips of Toad the Wet Sprocket
The Gold Room, 18 S Nevada Ave
An unmissable evening for two great causes! See alt-rock king Glen Phillips live in one of Colorado Springs’ most intimate concert venues. Proceeds benefit local nonprofits Rocky Mountain Highway and the Trails and Open Space Coalition. Special guest Jonathan Kingham will open the show.
General admission and VIP tickets available.
Event sponsor: The Gold Room.
Details coming soon.
- Nov 19 Mountain Equipment Recyclers Sale and Benefit
- Nov 29 Do Good Drinking at Pikes Peak Brewing (with Pikes Peak Therapeutic Riding Center, Black Forest Animal Sanctuary, Tri-Lakes Cares, New Horizons Band)
- Dec 1 Bikes and Brews at Old Town Bike Shop (with Millibo Art Theater, RMFI, CS Rising Professionals, Kids on Bikes and Medicine Wheel)
See the Give! event schedule at this link.
Seven Bridges Trail re-opens with new Bridge #7
Beautiful 7 Bridges Trail has re-opened! Uphill work and bridge reconstruction had the trail closed for a week or so. The Forest Service sent us some pictures of the brand new Bridge #7, and it’s a beauty! Be sure to hike the trail and enjoy the spectacular scenery of Cheyenne Cañon in the autumn.
Directions and Info about 7 Bridges Trail.
Thanks; the Waldo Waldo was the best ever!
Thanks to thousands of Waldos and Wendas, sponsors, volunteers and the amazing Waldo Waldo event team for a wonderful day in the sun! We are grateful to be recipients, along with RMFI, of the proceeds of this great local event.
Check back here for results.
Upcoming Volunteer Events

Have some time? Get out and help make a difference!
Black Forest Section 16
Sunday, Oct 30

Renew North Nevada Community Workshop #3
October 27,
6:00 p.m
Mortgage Solutions Financial Expo Center, 3650 North Nevada Avenue.
People who attend the third Renew North Nevada Avenue community workshop will be asked to review and respond to plan concepts, or “what if” scenarios, for the corridor. A final community workshop to review recommended plan alternatives is on December 8.
The City of Colorado Springs is conducting a community involvement process to create a plan that will result in continued investment in the North Nevada Avenue corridor.

Westside Avenue Action Plan
The long-awaited plan to improve the section of Colorado and Manitou Avenues between 31st Street and the Hwy 24 interchange is finally getting closer to action. When completed, this re-design will connect a critical missing link of the Midland Trail, with the addition of a pedestrian bridge and under-road connections.
Canya Cañon
4-mile race and family hike
Sat, Nov 5, 11 am.
Starts and ends at the
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center.
Register online at active.com, or in person at Runners Roost Colorado Springs, or the Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center.
“Table to Trails” with Salsa Brava, Over Easy, Sonterra Grill
Over Easy, Downtown (above)
and University Village (left)
Just some food pics of the daily specials at Over Easy (yum). Over Easy donates one dollar to the Trails and Open Space Coalition for every special sold!
Now through May 2017, join Salsa Brava, Over Easy and Sonterra Grill in the Table to Trails fundraiser, and $1 from every lunch special sold will go to support the Trails and Open Space Coalition.
These restaurants are locally owned, and use local ingredients when possible. Now they’re taking their local commitment one step further to support our local trails and open spaces.
Enjoy time out with lunch at Salsa Brava, and support TOSC!

Love the trails? Want to see more connections, more bike routes, more care for our parks? Support parks, trails and open spaces!
Enjoy special members-only invitations, hikes, rides and parties!
Give to the Trails and Open Space Coalition’s Annual fund campaign. Your membership supports our important work of preservation and conservation.