City Sponsors $100,000 Ring the Peak Planning Grant

The Trails and Open Space Coalition and Friends of the Peak have submitted a Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) Planning Grant request for $100,000 for planning the Ring the Peak Trail alignment across the missing segment in the southwest of the ring. Tuesday, Sept 27, the Colorado Springs City Council approved sponsoring the Grant.
We anticipate hiring a trail planning consultant to assist us in locating a trail across the multi-jurisdictional lands in the Cripple Creek and Victor area. We will know by December 2, 2016 if we are awarded the Grant. If we are awarded the grant, the planning process should take about six to eight months.
Ring the Peak Trail Overview
Fieldhouse Brewing Annual Legacy Ride Oct 1st
Ride on Legacy Loop Benefits Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
2nd annual Cyctic Fibrosis Legacy Ride
Saturday, October 1st, 2 pm
Fieldhouse Brewing Company, 521 S Tejon St.
Fieldhouse will host the 2nd annual Cystic Fibrosis Legacy Ride in support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Sign up for a guided tour of the Legacy Loop, an 11-mile loop trail around the outskirts of downtown Colorado Springs. The ride rolls out at 2 pm, and lasts for approximately one hour. All ages are invited, as long as you can keep up.
After the ride, there will be giveaways, specials on beer, food from Treehouse BBQ, cornhole, and a strider bike course for small children.
More information and registration.
Kids on Bikes Great Bicycle Carnival Oct 2, 11-2
Join Kids on Bikes for a free family bicycle parade from 4 starting locations that all end at the PopCycle Bridge for a party and popsicles. Then roll down a 1/2 mile to Monument Valley Park for the Carnival with music and carnival games at the park. Bring a picnic and enjoy time with family, friends and everything bikes!
More info and sign ups.
The Goats are back in Bear Creek Park!
Ticketing for off-leash dogs.

The weed-eating goats have arrived in Bear Creek Park East for a ten-day grazing. Last fall, the herd was pulled out early because of unleashed dogs threatening the goats.
The El Paso County Parks Department will work to protect the goats from harassment by dogs by assigning a security officer to the area with authority to write tickets for violation of the leash law.
Please, leash your dogs !
Seven Bridges Trail Closed.

Heads up trail users in the Bear Creek Watershed!
The upper bridge on 7 Bridges Trail #622 is being replaced. On Monday, September 19, the trail was closed above the sixth bridge while crews work to replace the seventh bridge. Expect closures for the next 2-3 weeks along Seven Bridges Trail while the construction is occurring.
More on work in the Bear Creek Watershed.
Register now for the Waldo Waldo 5K Oct 22.
Join thousands of Waldos and Wendas in downtown Colorado Springs this October 22 for the Waldo Waldo 5K, a family-friendly walk and fun run fundraiser. Registration comes with a “Where’s Waldo” costume kit and the money raised supports the Trails and Open Space Coalition and RMFI.
Register at this link.
Upcoming Volunteer Events

Have some time? Get out and help make a difference!
This Week:
Saturday, Oct 1
Youth Day in Garden of the Gods
Palmer Park
Sunday, Oct 2
Garden of the Gods
Wednesday, October 5
Ute Valley Park
Friends and Partner News.
Monument Valley Park
Tree Walk
Sat, Oct 1, 10 am,
W Fontanero Parking lot
Free, open to all.
Cathy, 471-8244.
Sat, Oct 1, 9 am – 1 pm
Hazardous waste & tire collection
El Paso County Fairgrounds
Recycle household waste and tires at this event,
by appt only.
Same Tree Different Day
Fri, Oct 7, 5 pm.
CONO, 309 S Cascade
Photo exhibit and multi media presentation
by Mike Pach.

Widefield Park Survey
El Paso County Parks is asking for the public’s input to update the master plan for Widefield Community Park, and citizens are encouraged to participate in a community-wide online survey.
Survey Link.
Movie: “Single Track High”
Friday, Oct 7th, 7pm
Tim Gill Center for Public Media
315 E Costilla
“Single Track High” follows High School students through the up and downs of life as a High School Student and how riding for Mountain Bikes for their High School team changed their lives.
This film event is a fund raiser for the newly formed Manitou Monsters Middle/High School Mountain Bike Team and to support the Pioneer Park Access Legacy, preserving access to Pioneer Park to and from Friendship Lane. This Access allows kids to Ride their bikes or walk to Holmes Middle School and Coronado High School.
“Table to Trails” with Salsa Brava, Over Easy, Sonterra Grill
Over Easy, Downtown (above)
and University Village (left)
Just some food pics of the daily specials at Over Easy (yum). Over Easy donates one dollar to the Trails and Open Space Coalition for every special sold!
Now through May 2017, join Salsa Brava, Over Easy and Sonterra Grill in the Table to Trails fundraiser, and $1 from every lunch special sold will go to support the Trails and Open Space Coalition.
These restaurants are locally owned, and use local ingredients when possible. Now they’re taking their local commitment one step further to support our local trails and open spaces.
Enjoy time out with lunch at Salsa Brava, and support TOSC!

Love the trails? Want to see more connections, more bike routes, more care for our parks? Support parks, trails and open spaces!
Enjoy special members-only invitations, hikes, rides and parties!
Give to the Trails and Open Space Coalition’s Annual fund campaign. Your membership supports our important work of preservation and conservation.
Trails and Open Space Coalition