Sponsored by Trails and Open Space Coaltion and El Pomar:
Friday, May 13th, 3:00-5:30pm at the Penrose House, 1661 Mesa Ave.
Take a trip through the past, present and future of regional trails and open space – without breaking a sweat. On May 13th El Pomar begins a Heritage Series with “Pikes Peak Region Trails and Open Space”.
Governor John Hickenlooper and Lise Aangeenbrug (Great Outdoors Colorado) share exciting initiatives that could put Colorado on top as the country’s premier trail destination. Fremont County is creating trails to attract “adventure tourists” and add dollars to their local economy. Friends of the Peak will show spectacular photographs of the proposed Ring the Peak Trail. Local and state “trail visionaries” will highlight projects underway, what’s possible in the near future, as well as the challenges we face.
The program is free with a reception immediately following. Reserve your spot at this link.