WILL YOU TAKE THE PLEDGE? Post your videos.
See the cute video some of our young friends made, to encourage all of us to pick up in our parks, trails and open spaces! Make a video, and post it to our Facebook page!
Chick-fil-A Patriot’s Festival Sept 12.
Register now for the Walk-Run-Ride for HeroesSat, Sept 12, Mtn. Shadows Park.
Walk – 1 mile, Patriotic Pooch Parade
Run – 5K, kids 2-mile or half mile
Ride- 14, 28 or 43-mile and kids’Bike Parade.
Prizes, costumes, awards at 11:30 am.
Patriots’ Festival 10 am – 2 pm.
- Live music – Miguel Dakota, Flying W Wranglers
- Hero demonstrations – Flight for Life Helicopter landing, K-9 demo, police, fire, military, EMS vehicles for kids to explore.
- Kid’s Zone -rock Climb Wall, Inflatables, Face Painting, Balloon Artistry and MORE!
Help Needed–Ute Pass Regional Trail.
Sign up now for the Waldo Waldo 5K Walk/Run, Oct 17.
Registration is open for the Waldo Waldo!
Saturday, October 17, 9 am
Supports the Trails and Open Space Coalition
The Waldo Waldo 5K is a locally-run family-friendly 5K walk & “fun run” fundraiser for local nonprofits.
The registration fee comes with a Waldo or Wenda costume kit (characters from the popular “Where’s Waldo?” children’s books) that includes a shirt, hat and glasses! Register now; the price increases the morning of the event.
Tour de Fat Sat, Sept 12
11 am – 6 pm
Denver’s Bike Festival is back and needs volunteers!
Benefits Denver’s Bike advocacy org, BikeDenver.
Great perks (including New Belgium beer and BikeDenver membership.
Creek WeekSep 26-Oct 3
Special Benefit Sept 12 at Fieldhouse Brewing!
Put together a team to pick up trash on our waterways, or join a public event!
Vote Yes for Trails
Voters will be asked in November to allow $2.1 M in excess revenues to be used for critical trail projects.We have pics and project list.
ADT Marathon Success!
Pics on our website
Thanks to the runners and volunteers who made the ADT Marathon a great event!
Cheyenne Mtn Run
8 mile and 5K
Oct 24, 10 am
Run the Dixon Trail and help raise funds to complete it to the top of Cheyenne Mountain!
Pikes Peak Summit House
Your Comments Wanted!
The City of Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak, U.S. Army, and Colorado Springs Utilities are starting the planning process to replace the existing facilities on the summit of Pikes Peak. Public input is needed!
Check our volunteer calendar for details and sign up information.
Sept 10 (Thurs)
7:45 am Seven Bridges Trail
Sept 12 (Sat)
8 am Garden of the Gods
8 am Stratton Open Space
9 am Badger Flats
Sept 13 (Sun)
8 am Badger Flats
12 pm Garden of the Gods Youth Day
Sept 16 (Wed)
5:30 pm Ute Valley Park
Sept 19 (Sat)
8 am Lovell Gulch
8 am Barr Trail
Sept 24 (Thurs)
7:45 am Seven Bridges Trail
Red Leg Brewing Benefit for Shift Thrift–Weds in Sept

Every Wednesday in September, 6 pm
Red Leg Brewing “Run with a Mission”
4630 Forge Road
Hear about the new concept that is Shift Thrift and about plans for the future. Shift Thrift is creating jobs, preserving the environment, promoting community involvement, and raising funds for charitable causes like the Trails and Open Space Coalition through the recycling of household goods.
More about Shift Thrift.