Celebrate Aug 30 with Kids on Bikes at the NEW Popcycle Bridge!

Join Kids on Bikes and friends August 30 at 11 am for a free family bicycle parade from four starting locations that all end at the Popcycle Bridge for a party and popsicles. Check out the all-new Popcycle Bridge, complete with 2/3 scale bike lane markings. Then roll down a 1/2 mile to Monument Valley Park for the Carnival with music, and bike games at the park. Bring a picnic and enjoy time with family, friends and everything bikes!

Originally, the renovation of the Popcycle Bridge was an initiative of Kids on Bikes, which then attracted a partnership of the City of Colorado Springs Parks and Recreation, Traffic Engineering, Public Works and Colorado Springs Utilities as well as Echo Architecture, GE Johnson, Springs Fabrication, GOCO, Common Ground Cycling and a private contribution in honor of Robert H. Ramsay. Together, these partners have transformed what was once an eyesore into an amenity for the community to enjoy.
Read more on our blog
Manitou Springs hosts potluck for Master Plan Aug 27.

Manitou Springs is updating its Parks, Open Space and Trails (POST) Master Plan in order to create a “roadmap” for future projects. Join in the Community Potluck, workshops, forum and open house to help identify values, needs and priorities for parks, open space and trails.
August 25, 6 pm – Community Potluck at City Hall. Bring a dish to share and take part in small group discussions. Plates, utensils and water will be provided.
More info on our blog.
Help Needed–Ute Pass Regional Trail.

Please email your County Commissioners and tell them you support the Ute Pass Regional Trail!
Details and email addresses on our blog.
Open House to see the new Master Plan:
Monday, August 31, 2015 from 6 – 8 pm
Ute Pass Elementary School
9230 Chipeta Park Road
To see the draft Master Plan and Appendix, please visit El Paso County’s website at this link.
Bear Creek Trail detours to 8th St sidewalk.

Crews on the Colorado Department of Transportation’s (CDOT) Interstate-25/Cimarron Interchange Design-Build Project have temporarily closed the connector between Bear Creek Trail and the Greenway at 8th Street for up to three months. Detour signs have been installed and indicate that pedestrians and cyclists should travel north on the 8th Street sidewalk.
We are advising cyclist to find other routes if possible, and if not, to exercise extreme caution, especially on the driveways and street crossings on 8th St. Remember that people in cars often do not see people on bikes, particularly on sidewalks, where they are not expecting them to be riding.
Friends of Red Rock “Talk and Walk” Series Aug 26-27.

The Friends of Red Rock Canyon have put together a series of “Talk and Walks” on a variety of outdoor subjects during the week beginning August 24th. Check out the sessions below!
Wed, Aug 26, Geology of Red Rock Canyon, 6 pm
Thurs Aug 27, Nature Fun for Kids, 10 am
Volunteers needed for the ADT Marathon, Half, and Relay.
Pikes Peak Road Runners and the Trails and Open Space Coalition need your help on Labor Day, September 7. The American Discovery Trail Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay, and Kids Runs requires close to 250 volunteers, and serves as a major annual fundraiser for TOSC. We need your help working at an aid station along the course, or at kids races, finish line, drop bags, food pavilion, setup or breakdown. Enjoy beautiful America the Beautiful Park and aid a good cause.
Contact pprrun.org/volunteer for more information, or find out more on our blog.
Hiking Bob at Mtn ChaletWed, Sept 2, 6:30 pm.
Learn about what hikes are best to capture fall’s change in colors and get photo tips from local blogger, photographer and celebrity Hiking Bob.
Creek Week!
Sept 26 – Oct 3
Put together a team to pick up trash on our waterways, or join a public event! TOSC Members event Sept 26.
Vote Yes for Trails
Voters will be asked in November to allow $2.1 M in excess revenues to be used for critical trail projects.We have pics and project list.
Waldo Waldo
Costume Run/Walk
Sat Oct 17
Sign up now –benefits TOSC! Food trucks, beer garden, exhibitors, music, yoga and more.
Cheyenne Mtn Run
8 mile and 5K
Oct 24, 10 am
Run the Dixon Trail and help raise funds to complete it to the top of Cheyenne Mountain!
Pikes Peak Summit House
Comment Period throughSept 21.
The City of Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak, U.S. Army, and Colorado Springs Utilities are requesting approval to construct three facilities on Pikes Peak.
Check our volunteer calendar for details and sign up information.
Aug 27 (Thurs)
8:30 am Red Rock Canyon Open Space
11:30 am Barr Trail
Aug 28 (Fri)
8:30 am Red Rock Canyon Open Space
Aug 29 (Sat)
6:30 am Severy Creek seed collecting
7 am Incline Ambassadors
Aug 30 (Sun)
7 am Incline Ambassadors
8:30 am Red Rock Canyon Open Space
Sept 2
8:30 am Red Rock Canyon Open Space
5:30 pm Ute Valley Park
Sept 5
8 am Palmer Park
Mountain Equipment Recyclers summer clearance Aug 28-29.
Get over to our partners at Mountain Equipment Recyclers Friday and Saturday for discounts up to 50% on most items in the store including camping, backpacking, cycling, climbing, water sports, apparel, and more.
Open 10-6 both days; enjoy:
– Live music.
– Free grilled burgers both days (starting at 11:30for the first 50 guests each day).
– Prizes and giveaways.
Be sure to tell them TOSC sent you!
Trails and Open Space Coalition