
Be alert for hazards on the trails, and please respect trail closures–let repair crews do their jobs!
- Pikes Peak Greenway–south of Tejon, and near Monument Valley Park
- Midland Trail near 25th St.
- Foothills Trail near Glen Eyrie
- Fountain Creek Regional Trail–three closures
- Ute Pass Regional Trail–Green Mtn Falls
- Rainbow Falls
For more specific locations, visit our website.
New prize for Starlight giveaway–call for volunteers.
Comment to win.
Comment on the picture of Starlight Sponsor Bicycle Village on our Facebook page, and be entered in a drawing for a Bontrager flat kit with seat bag, value $59.
Buy a bike, ride the Starlight.
Buy a bicycle at any of our Sponsoring Bike Shops, get a coupon for 50% off a Starlight Spectacular entry.
Volunteers needed!
We need YOU for the Starlight!We are looking for a few hardy night owls to help as Route Volunteers to direct up to 1,600 riders as they navigate their way through the Garden of the Gods and loop through downtown. Route Volunteers receive a light wand, event T-shirt, sweet treat and a surprise gift from TOSC for your help. The Starlight is the oldest and largest cycling event in Colorado Springs, and provides a magical experience for families, experienced riders and weekend cyclists. To volunteer, contact vince@trailsandopenspaces.org.
Visit our Website.
Garden of the Gods Grand Opening Celebration May 16

Saturday, May 16, 9 am – 5 pm.
Please come out to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center and the unveiling of 2 new exhibit halls and all new exhibits. The Visitor Center has been closed for months for renovations–come see the all-new center!
Welcoming remarks begin at 9 am, but the celebration will last all day. It will be a fun and historic day for the Visitor & Nature Center and Garden of the Gods Park!
New Santa Fe Trail closed
All military bases have enacted stricter security, and the Air Force Academy has restricted its property to those carrying a Department of Defense ID.
Vote by May 14.
Questions? Listen to the sustainability forum audio.
May 20,21, June 3,4
Bike Master Plan Workshops. Give your input and help shape the future of bicycling in our town. Presentation and small group work sessions.
Ute Pass Regional Trail Master Plan
Public Meeting
Wed, May 20, 5:30 pm
Centennial Hall
200 S. Cascade Ave.
El Paso County staff will present the trail choices.
May 26, 4-6 pm
City Auditorium
Public Mtg Cimarron/I-25
Learn more about timelines and major detours for the Greenway and Midland trails. Get more information at this link.
VOLUNTEER EVENTS –sign up now!
Be aware that all the rain we’ve been having could cause cancellations. Check with the sponsoring organizations for up-to-date information.
May 15 (Friday),
7:30 am. Waldo Canyon Fire Restoration.
May 16 (Saturday)
7:30 am Mt. Muscoco Trail building
9 am Bear Creek Park Equestrian Park Kickoff
May 17 (Sunday) 7:30 am Mt. Muscoco Trail building
May 18 (Mon) 5:30 pm Cheyenne Mtn State Park Work Evening
May 20 (Wed)
8:30 am Cheyenne Mtn State Park Work Day
5:30 pm Ute Valley Park Work Evening
May 21 (Thurs)
7:30 am Mt. Muscoco trail work (makeup day)
7:45 am St. Mary’s Falls Trail
Trails and Open Space Coalition