News January 21, 2015

Help us convince public officials to do the right thing–two alerts you can act on today!

  • Contact City Council: put SCIP Bonds issue on April ballot.
  • Contact El Paso County Commissioners: keep wind farm 1.5 miles away from Paint Mines.
  • History of N Cheyenne Cañon presentation Jan 24.
  • Ute Valley Park Master Plan update Jan 27.
  • Falcon Regional Park meeting Jan 28.
  • Super half marathon and Game Day 5K Feb 1.
  • Upcoming events.
TOSC logo Horiz grn

Contact City Council: SCIP Bond Issue.
Request they place SCIP bond issue on April ballot.
TOSC is asking the Colorado Springs City Council to place the $145 million Springs Community Improvement Projects (SCIP) bond resolution proposed by the mayor on the April ballot. Please contact City Council and ask them to let the community vote on the proposal in April.
It includes $10 million for important parks projects. We recognize it’s little more than a band-aid (Parks has capital needs of $180 million), but it’s a good start and would support, among other things, trail projects, phase 2 of the Incline and improved signage in our system. It would also cut maintenance costs. To see the list of proposed Parks projects, and City Council contact information, see this link on our website.
Contact EPC Commissioners: Paint Mines.
Proposed wind farm changes could detract from public space.

Golden West Power Partners is proposing to erect a wind farm on 23,000 acres east of the Paint Mines near Calhan. The wind farm company had offered to pay parks $200,000 if it were allowed to place turbines 2300 feet (less than half a mile) from the Paint Mines. TOSC believes that in order to maintain the conservation values of Paint Mines, El Paso County should keep the original requirement to place turbines at least one and a half miles away from the park.
Please contact El Paso County Commissioners beforeFebruary 5th and let them know that you too want the wind company to abide by the 1.5 mile requirement to preserve the tranquility of the Paint Mines. No amount of money will “mitigate” the damage to the user experience that close-in turbines would create.
See the post on our website for more information and contact info for EPC Commissioners.

History of N Cheyenne Cañon Jan 24.
Presentation 10 am to noon, ages 12 and up.
Mt Muscoco

Sat. Jan 24 from 10 to noon at Starsmore Discovery Center, 2120 S. Cheyenne Canon Rd.

Long time CS resident and Canon volunteer Daryl Kaiper will present the history of North Cheyenne Canon Park. Guests 12 years and older are encouraged to attend. The lecture style presentation spans from the time of formation of the canon walls to the people who made it one of our city’s best parks. Refreshments served, no registration required. Bring your questions and a friend!
Ute Valley Park Master Plan update
Draft Master Plan Open House Jan 27, 5 pm.
Ute Valley biker

Parks staff will present the draft Master Plan for Ute Valley Park, crafted using input from the two public meetings that have been held so far, at an Open House Jan 27th from 5-7 pm at Eagleview Middle School. To see the input from the public meetings and the draft plan, see this link. There will also be a round-table session at this meeting to discuss the plan to create a trail running from the western edge of the park, connecting with the Pikes Peak Greenway. Learn more and weigh in.

Falcon Regional Park Meeting Jan 28.
Review of draft Master Plan for new park.
El Paso County Parks is hosting a public meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, January 28, 2015, to review the draft master plan for the development and future use of the 215-acre site that is Falcon Regional Park. The park is located west of Eastonville Road and north of Falcon High School. This is the third of three public meetings designed to engage citizens and other stakeholders in the master planning process. The Park Advisory Board and the Board of County Commissioners will review the plan at public hearings in February.
The January 28 meeting will be held at the Meridian Ranch Recreation Center, 10301 Angeles Road, Peyton, CO 80831. The agenda will include a summary of the three concept alternatives for the park presented at the January 7 meeting along with citizen input received, a presentation of the final plan for the park, and a recap of next steps. Attendees will be encouraged to share their observations on the master plan. Maps will be on display.
To keep in touch with the master planning process for the Falcon Regional Park, go to this link.
Big running events on SuperbowlSunday!
Half marathon and 5K downtown Feb 1.
On Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 1) more than 1,000 runners will race in downtown Colorado Springs in the Fourth Annual Super Half Marathon and Game Day 5K.  The Woodland Park High School’s band, ensemble and cheerleaders will also be there to ramp up the festivities.
The event is a fundraiser for Pikes Peak Roadrunners, organizations that work to promote running, racing and healthful living in Colorado Springs. Both organizations partner with TOSC on events benefiting trails and open space.
Pick your race, burn some calories, celebrate your accomplishment with your friends, then head home and catch the big game!
Lots of information, and registration links, at this link.
Upcoming Events
Save the dates.
Jan 24th–Presentation on the history of North Cheyenne Cañon, 10-12 Starsmore Center. See article.
Jan 27th–Ute Valley Park Master Plan meeting5 pmEagleview Middle School. See article.
Jan 27th–City Council vote on CIP Bond issue. See article, and email City Council!
Jan 28th–Falcon Regional Park Master Plan meeting6 pm Meridian Ranch Recreation Center. See article.
Feb 1st–Superbowl half marathon and game day 5K. See article.
Feb 5th–El Paso County Commissioners to consider plan to place wind turbines near Paint Mines. See article, and contact the Commissioners!
Feb 7–Guardians of Palmer Park’s monthly park volunteer day9 am. See listing at our volunteer website,
Free presentations, all at Mountain Chalet downtown:
February 11th–the Colorado Avalanche Information Center will give an avy 101 presentation.
February 18th–Fritz Sperry will do a slide show and book signing for his latest title for back country skiers, Skiing the Front Range.
February 25th–Vince Cloward will present rafting the Grand Canyon, a compilation of images from his three trips down the river.
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