News January 7, 2015

  • Falcon Regional Park meeting Jan 7.
  • Jones Park vote postponed to January 13.
  • “1,000 Takeouts” Jan 8.
  • Community Open Houses about City priorities Jan 8, 15.
  • “Winterific” at Fox Run Park Jan 17.
  • Ute Valley Park Master Plan update Jan 27.
  • Two volunteer opportunities Jan 10.
  • Thank YOU for Give! success.
TOSC logo Horiz grn

Falcon Regional Park Meeting Jan 7.
Public input on Master Plan for new Park.

Wednesday, Jan 7th, 6-8 pm, Meridian Ranch Recreation Center (10301 Angeles Road). See the results of the public survey about this new proposed park in Falcon, and see what El Paso County has in mind for the new Master Plan. El Paso County Parks collected public input through their survey that closed Dec 12.
Jones Park vote postponed.
Final vote delayed to January 13.

Colorado Springs City Councilpostponed a final vote on Jones Park until January 13th, to give the City Attorney time to correct minor legal language in the resolution giving the parcel to El Paso County. For more information about the proposed sale or transfer of Jones Park, and links to documentation on the NEPA (National Environmental Protection Act) process, and the Bear Creek Watershed, see our article at this link.
Grand Canyon Adventure Program Jan 8.
Multi media show benefits EPC Nature Centers.
Thursday, Jan 8th, 6 pm, Bear Creek Nature Center. Join TOSC Program Director Vince Cloward for his Grand Canyon multi-media presentation “1,000 Takeouts.” The program features the best of his three rafting trips on the Grand and celebrates a lifetime of boating wild rivers in the west. For more information, call Vince at 719-633-6884.
1,ooo Takeouts


Open Houses to learn about Parks Projects.
Additional community meetings January 8th, 15th.
Cheyenne Canon Trail

Two more community meetings have been added to the schedule.Both meetings are 5:30 to 7:00 pm.

  • Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015 at Sabin Middle School
  • Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 at the Stetson Hills Police Substation

If you can attend, check out the trail projects on the city’s list of “high priority projects.” The list includes  sections of the Palmer- Mesa Trail, Homestead Trail, Shooks Run Trail and Rock Island Trail.  We encourage residents to come to the meetings with your questions and concerns.

“Winterific” Winter Carnival Jan 17.
Annual Festival at Fox Run Park, noon to 2 pm.
Come and celebrate winter fun at “Winterific” Saturday, January 17th at Fox Run Park. Enjoy crafts, winter games, hot chocolate and cookies, wildlife walks and more. Cost is $2 per person. For more information, call El Paso County Parks at 719-520-6387.

Ute Valley Park Master Plan update
Draft Master Plan Open House Jan 27, 5 pm.
Ute Valley biker

Parks staff will present the draft Master Plan for Ute Valley Park, using input from the two public meetings that have been held so far, at an open house Jan 27, 5-7 pm at Eagleview Middle School. To see the input from the public meetings and the stated goals of the process, see this link. There will also be a round-table session at this meeting to discuss the plan to create a trail running from the western edge of the park, connecting with the Pikes Peak Greenway. Learn more and weigh in.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Two events Saturday, January 10.
January 10, 9 am to noon, Palmer Park, monthly cleanup and workday.  Meet at 9 am by the baseball diamonds near the Maizeland entrance.  Activities may entail picking up trash, ridding the upper mesa of dog waste and possible trail repair work.  Well-supervised children are welcome. Please RSVP to  As with most trail/park projects, please bring work gloves water, snacks, sunscreen, sturdy footwear, rain gear, clothing layers, and anything else you would commonly bring on a short hike. Look for white trailer or a yellow XTerra with a Guardians of Palmer Park sign.
January 10, 2:30 pm, Greenway Cleanup. Meet at America the Beautiful Park @ 2:30PM for a trash clean-up day withCOS Racing Org. Goals for the 10th if there are enough volunteers:
1. Clean up both sides of the creek exiting south of ATB to the Pedestrian Bridge near the south east corner of Wal-Mart. (if enough man power extend this to Tejon)
2. Connector from Bear Creek to Greenway (Southside of Walmart)
3. Connector from 8th St. to ATB
For more details, see the Facebook event at this link.
Thank you!
Give! success is thanks to YOU.

Thanks to great community support, the Trails and Open Space Coalition’s Give! campaign was a success. We will have final donation numbers by the end of January, but donor numbers show that, once again, TOSC had the greatest number of individual donors of any of the 75 nonprofits in the campaign. We are so grateful for our supporters, for the businesses who provide the Give! rewards and incentives, and for the Independent, for running this amazing year-end philanthropy campaign that benefits our community through supporting nonprofits who serve it.

Remember: If you have Give! rewards coupons, check the expiration date. Many of the rewards expire Feb 15th.
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