- Jones Park–latest Council action.
- Creek Week Sept 27-Oct 5.
- Pint Night at Mountain Chalet Oct 1.
- Dixon Trail Work Day Sept 25.
- Zombie Run Sept 27 Fox Run Park.
- 3rd Annual Waldo Waldo Oct 26–TOSC needs volunteers.
- Upcoming Volunteer Events.
- Info on Ballot Issue 1A–Vote Yes for Parks.
We are dedicated to the preservation of open space and parks, and the creation of a network of trails, bikeways and greenways for the Pikes Peak region.
NEWS FOR THE WEEK OF Sept 24, 2014
Latest Council Action on Jones Park.
Council resolution passes 5-3.
Council passed the following resolution at their meeting Sept 23:
“I move that an appraisal be completed concerning the Jones Park property by November 25, 2014. It is the intent of Council to express with this motion that El Paso County should be the recipient of the property if it is transferred. However, Council directs that the process that was outlined at the Utility Board meeting on September 17, 2014 be honored and that the appraisal provides information to Council on the appropriate value and use of the property.”
TOSC is continuing to advocate for deed restrictions to apply to any transfer that would:
- Preserve public access.
- Guarantee compliance with the ongoing NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) process to protect vulnerable species.
- Protect the property from sale or transfer to private hands.
- Require the new owner to comply with existing agreements (for example, fire mitigation agreements with the Forest Service).
We will continue to post updates and alerts as events unfold.
Waterway cleanups all week Sept 27-Oct 5.
Help pick up litter in and near our community’s waterways, in one or more of the many events scheduled during the first annual “Creek Week”! All ages welcome; under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Most events ask that you pre-register. Full details at fountain-crk.org/cleanup.html.
-Sat, Sept 27, 8:30am-12:00pm, Bear Creek Nature Center, 245 Bear Creek Road. Sponsored by the Trails and Open Space Coalition. Info and signups, vince@trailsandopenspaces.org.
–Sat, Sept 27, 10am. Sponsored by Middle Shooks Run Neighborhood Association. Unlimited space for participation and please just show up! – info@msrna.org.
1) North Shooks Run Park picnic area at Dale and Franklin Streets.
2) Prairie Dog O’Byrne Park picnic area at Corona and Bijou Streets.
–Sat Sept 27, 8:00-11:30am at Starsmore Discovery Center, 2120 S. Cheyenne Canon Road. Sponsored by Friends of Cheyenne Cañon. Info and signups, jbise@cheyennecanon.org, 321-961-9100.
– Monday September 29 through Friday October 2nd 9-11am daily at Goose Gossage Park, sponsored by Pikes Peak Community College, info and signups Konrad.Schlarbaum@ppcc.edu.
–Saturday October 4th 8:30-11:30am at Pikeview Reservoir, info and signups, aplute@csu.org.
–Sat, Oct 4, 1 pm – 4 pm. Roswell Park, 515 Polk Street. Sponsored by the Sierra Club. Info and signups, Janeardsmith@comcast.net.
-Saturday October 11th 8:30am-12:00pm Fountain Creek Regional Park, sponsored by El Paso County parks, info and signups, dananordstrom@elpasoco.com.
Pint Night Oct 1st, 5-8 pm at Mountain Chalet
$5 pint glass + beer + live music = Benefit for TOSC + fun!
Sign up now for Dixon Trail Work Day Sept 25
Last scheduled work day on trail to top of Cheyenne Mtn.
El Paso County benefit for emergency preparedness.
The 2014 Zombie Run is Saturday, Sept. 27, 2014, at Fox Run Regional Park in Colorado Springs. First run begins at 10 a.m. with multiple heats to follow. The course meanders through the Fox Run Regional Park trails. The race is a 3K with the option of an additional 2K zombie-free loop in the middle of the course.
TOSC needs volunteers Oct 26th.
Join 4,000 Waldos and break the World Record!
Sign up now to volunteer at the Waldo Waldo, October 26th. You can wear your Waldo costume or get one at a discount if you volunteer. Opportunities include helping out the day of the event, or at packet pickup Oct. 20-24 in the afternoons. Details at TheWaldoWaldo.com/volunteer. Please be sure to put your Organizational Affiliation as “TOSC”, so they know we sent you–thanks!