News Sept 18, 2014

  • Jones Park debate continues.
  • Creek Week Sept 27-Oct 5.
  • In Memoriam, Dr. Richard Beidleman.
  • Pulpit Rock Work Day Sept 20.
  • Dixon Trail Work Day Sept 25.
  • Zombie Run Sept 27 Fox Run Park.
  • 3rd Annual Waldo Waldo Oct 26–TOSC needs volunteers.
  • Save the Date-Sept 23-Ute Valley Park meeting.
  • Upcoming Events.
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We are dedicated to the preservation of open space and parks, and the creation of a network of trails, bikeways and greenways for the Pikes Peak region.

NEWS FOR THE WEEK OF Sept 18, 2014
Jones Park debate continues.
Citizens weigh in on fate of open space land.
Two City Council votes, to refuse the donation of Jones Park to the Forest Service, and to appraise the property, set off a wave of controversy. City Council members received dozens of emails from irate citizens opposed to selling off this beloved piece of public land. Council members complained that we mis-characterized their votes: the action they voted on was to obtain appraisals of the land, not to sell it. In fact, obtaining an appraisal, one specifically without restrictions and as a holding with NO PUBLIC ACCESS, is pursuing a course which could result in a private sale, as well as derailing the timeline for building alternative trails and ensuring public access to the Bear Creek Watershed.
Links to articles about the decision and Jones Park: 
Our website: “Council votes to pursue sale of Jones Park.”
CS Business Journal, “Council Sinks to new low over Jones Park.”
Cheyenne Edition, “Jones Park land ownership still up in the air.”
The five City Council Members who voted for this course of action:

“Creek Week” is coming!
Waterway cleanups all week Sept 27-Oct 5.

Help pick up litter in and near our community’s waterways, in one or more of the many events scheduled during the first annual “Creek Week”! All ages welcome; under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Most events ask that you pre-register. Full details at
Sat, Sept 27, 8:30am-12:00pm, Bear Creek Nature Center, 245 Bear Creek Road. Sponsored by the Trails and Open Space Coalition. Info and signups,
Sat, Sept 27, 10am. Sponsored by Middle Shooks Run Neighborhood Association. Unlimited space for participation and please just show up! –
1) North Shooks Run Park picnic area at Dale and Franklin Streets.
2) Prairie Dog O’Byrne Park picnic area at Corona and Bijou Streets.
Sat Sept 27, 8:00-11:30am at Starsmore Discovery Center, 2120 S. Cheyenne Canon Road. Sponsored by Friends of Cheyenne Cañon. Info and signups, jbise@cheyennecanon.org321-961-9100.
Monday September 29 through Friday October 2nd 9-11am daily at Goose Gossage Park, sponsored by Pikes Peak Community College, info and signups
Saturday October 4th 8:30-11:30am at Pikeview Reservoir, info and signups,
Sat, Oct 4, 1 pm – 4 pm. Roswell Park, 515 Polk Street.  Sponsored by theSierra Club. Info and signups,
Saturday October 11th 8:30am-12:00pm Fountain Creek Regional Park, sponsored by El Paso County parks, info and signups,
The Legacy of Dr. Richard Beidleman
“Celebration of Life” Oct 12, 9 am at Shove Chapel.
Dr. Richard Beidelman, Professor Emeritus at Colorado College and a pioneer in conservation in Colorado Springs, died last month at his home in California. Dr. Beidleman was 91.
A tribute on our website written by Melissa Walker, President of Friends of Garden of the Gods, says, in part, “We have Dr. Beidleman to thank for saving the Garden’s magnificent Gateway Rocks view and the property that is now Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site, and for the fact that Garden of the Gods is a National Natural Landmark.” Read the full article here.
As was his wish, there will be no funeral service. Instead, a “Celebration of Life” ceremony will be held on October 12, 2014 at 9:00 AM at Shove Chapel, Colorado College. Condolences can be sent c/o Carol Beidleman,
Pulpit Rock Open Space Sept 20.
Clean up and Trails Work Day.
Pulpit Rock Sept 20
Sat, September 20, 8:30am – 12:00pm
8:15 a.m. Welcome, Briefing & Crew assignments.
Meet in the overflow student parking lot (north of Four Diamond Sports Complex on Nevada Avenue). Lunch provided.
Volunteer Projects include trash pickup and trail work. Register, Search Volunteer Opportunities.
Sign up now for Dixon Trail Work Day Sept 25
Last scheduled work day on trail to top of Cheyenne Mtn.
Zombie Run September 27.
El Paso County benefit for emergency preparedness.
The 2014 Zombie Run is Saturday, Sept. 27, 2014, at Fox Run Regional Park in Colorado Springs. First run begins at 10 a.m. with multiple heats to follow. The course meanders through the Fox Run Regional Park trails. The race is a 3K with the option of an additional 2K zombie-free loop in the middle of the course.
More information and registration at
TOSC needs volunteers Oct 26th.
Join 4,000 Waldos and break the World Record!
Waldo Waldo Oct 26
Sign up now to volunteer at the Waldo Waldo, October 26th. You can wear your Waldo costume or get one at a discount if you volunteer. Opportunities include helping out the day of the event, or at packet pickupOct. 20-24 in the afternoons. Details at Please be sure to put your Organizational Affiliation as “TOSC”, so they know we sent you–thanks!
Tues, Sept 23–Ute Valley Park Public Meeting.
Public Master Plan Meeting Eagleview School.
Upcoming Volunteer Projects 
Save the dates

The volunteer season is in full swing! Check for details on these events:

  • Sept 17, Ute Valley Park Trail Work evening.
  • Sept 20, Pulpit Rock Work Day.
  • Sept 20, Cheyenne Mtn Trail Work day.
  • Sept 20, Barr Trail work day.

As always, check our volunteer website for volunteer projects. 

Vote YES on 1A in November! Details at
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