UPDATE MAY 30th–This Workshop is now open to the general public. Email molly@rmfi.org or call 719-471-7736, Extension 4#.
Fire Skills Workshop June 8th 8:30 am to Noon, Black Forest Regional Park. Hands-on instruction in building erosion-control structures. These skills are in demand in our community now–if you have an interest in helping restore fire-damaged areas, call or email today!
El Paso County is partnering with the Rocky Mountain Field Institute to offer a Fire Restoration Skills Workshop in Black Forest Regional Park. Participants will learn how fire impacts ecosystems and mitigation techniques specific to fire damage restoration. Technical training will include seeding and mulching on fire scarred lands, log erosion barriers, wattle construction/installation on slopes, and other mitigation construction techniques. Volunteers will have the opportunity to build structures during the training to hone their skills.